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"I guess I'll go on..." said Emma to Savannah. "Alright sweetie. You know, it's nothing to be afraid of." "I know, I know," said Emma, "But I've just never been on one before.
Emma climbed onto the jet-ski with Savannah, and she started it up. "Hang on," said Savannah. "Aren't we supposed to wear life jackets?" Emma asked cautiously. "Oh, it's fine. Nothing ever happens." Said Savannah, shrugging it off and changing the gears. Emma held on as tight as she could, but Savannah only went faster. Emma felt like she was going to fall of. She gripped the handles tighter. Savannah turned around and looked Emma in the eye. "Let's have some fun!" She said with a smile. Emma just kept the same blank stare. Savannah turned around, switched gears, and went 70 miles per hour, and Emma was crying due to the wind. Now they were practically bouncing on the water, and Emma couldn't hold on any longer. Savannah was laughing too hard to hear Emma screaming to stop. Emma let go, and flew off backwards into the water. Savannah sped away, back towards the campground. Emma started to sink, as she couldn't swim. "Help..." She managed to get out. She started kicking her legs, trying to resurface. But something was pulling her under. She tried to scream but only bubbles came out, leaving her with even less breath. Emma looked down, and saw  black mass under her. She was about to pass out... When she saw it. The smile. The eyes. The... The body. It was all black, but in the shape of an eight foot tall thin bald man. There were huge yellow eyes with no pupil, no nose, and a thin red line for a mouth. But the line started to expand, leaving a large red smile, and words coming out of its mouth. "Why, I hope you love diving," it said underwater with a raspy, broken voice. Emma screamed underwater, and then let herself slip away. The mass laughed, and took her dead body down deeper.

"Well then." Sophia said. "Pfft, that was dumb." I said to her, shrugging. "I mean, isn't it just a LITTLE ironic that my sister is named Savannah and your sister is named Emma AND we are going camping by a lake with a jet-ski?" She said quickly. I stared for a minute. "Just a little." I said, trying not to sound dumb or scared. "Girls! Are you coming or not?!" An impatient voice shouted. I assumed it was Sophia's mom. "We're coming!" We said in unison. We hopped off of her bed and put the laptop down, running towards the door. "I can't wait to take you guys out on the Sea-Doo!" Said Savannah excitedly. I let out a nervous chuckle, and Sophia didn't say anything.


"Come on... It'll be fun!" Savannah said to me. "Well-" "Please?" I was interrupted by Savannah. I just couldn't get that Creepypasta out of my mind. "O-okay." I told her. She smiled. "I knew you'd want to come."

Savannah pointed to the back of the jet-ski, and told me to hop on from there. We started off, and went slow considering we were in the no-wake zone. I can't believe I took the risk of asking her. "So... Did you ever take a girl named Emma on the sea-doo?" I asked. Savannah just laughed. "I never took your sister on a jet-ski." She said. "Clara, I promise you have nothing to worry about. Just have fun, okay?" I nodded. I might've been over thinking it, but I noticed how she said "your sister" instead of a girl named Emma. Whatever.

We approached the wake-zone. There was literally nobody on the lake. "Okay. I'm going thirty." Savannah sped up, and I was actually having fun. Then... We started doing 'tricks.' We went fifty and went airborne, and we did donuts. We were going so fast that she didn't hear me screaming for her to stop. My hands were slipping off the handles... And quickly. Then it happened. During one hard jump, the vehicle hit the water and I bounced off. Savannah sped away... Heading towards the campsite. Just like that damn Creepypasta. I was treading water and looking around... Until something started pulling me down. Immediately, I took a huge breath knowing what would happen next. I didn't even struggle. I should have. I expectantly looked down, but didn't see a weird black mass. I saw her. Emma. She was pulling me down. Which was strange, because Emma was dead. I heard two raspy voices. "Come on, Clara. Emma needs a rest." A voice said. I guessed it was the mass. Then Emma spoke. "He is Matter." She said. I was freaked out. I didn't hold on any longer. I inhaled a huge mass of water... But I didn't choke. I breathed it. "What..." I said. We hit the bottom, after forty feet,cand it was surprisingly light. "He is dying. Matter is dying. You will be me, and I will be him. You are lucky. Very lucky. The others... The others leave." Emma spoke. I just frowned. "But..." And a huge explosion happened. I was knocked back with so much force that my head hit a rock on the sand. Thank God... I died.

I am sitting in my desk at home. Of course, home is abandoned after I came back. So... I'm alone. I'm nothing but a spirit. I need to tell you something. 1: Never ride a jet-ski in Lake Camanche (California). 2: The Matter is dead. Emma is not. She has taken his place. 3: The explosion was the death of The Matter. 4: Never go to the abandoned house on the side of the old gravel road by the mountains. I am here. I will kill you. 5: Emma is coming. Don't go to that lake. Ever.


Hey there. Emma here. So this is based on an experience I actually had. Of course, nothing pulled me under. But the details were correct. I went camping with my friend Sophia and her older sister Savannah just last weekend. We were at Lake Camanche in California. And, we rode a jet-ski. I nearly fell off on that thing, but I held on. It was fun though ☺️ Alright, that's it guys. Please Vote and check out my friend Alyson Mitchell and her book. Thanks for everything, guys! Love, Emma

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