Chapter 1

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I am back!

Helga POV
The day that I left was a terrible one! I left all my Friends at P.S. 118. I was afraid to leave my love for Arnold could have changed. I was going to tell him everything, but my pride had gotten the best of me. As I sit in the car as my father drives me to Hillwood High I sit and wonder what I could have said to him to change the past. But there is no use to think about it now.

I wonder if anyone will remember me. I know I have changed. But I want them not to remember the old me. I sit in the back seat of Bob's Hummer as he tells me that "You better not mess this up" I never mess anything up he just wants to blame me. It is because I am not perfect like Olga. My older sister was always the center of attention. My parents showered her with everything. Bob always called me Olga never by my name. I was never what he wanted me to be. As we get to Hillwood High my heart beats franticly. Then we arrive twenty minutes early.

"Olga, I want you to straighten your act up. And I am only dropping you off early so I can get to work on time!" Bob tells me. I get so annoyed when he doesn't call me by my name.

"It's Helga Bob!"

I will never call my parents by mom or dad. They are not worthy of being called that by me. The way they treat me Miriam I call mom once in a while. She at least tries to remember me.

As I get out of the car, I see people stare at me. It is my sophomore year. Was supposed to start two weeks ago, but of course we had to leave later then when I was to start.

I walk to the main office and see a few people hanging around their lockers. It is weird to see a kids so early for school. When I got to the office I go to the secretary.

"Hi, I am a new student."

"Hello and welcome to Hillwood High! You must be Helga Pataki?" she says to me.

"Yes, that is me!"

"Well, this is your schedule your locker is next to your homeroom class. They will give you a lock and a combination. We have gotten all your books for you here, so you don't have to go to the library any questions?"

"No and thank you for everything I think I can figure it all out on my own!"

I walk out with all my books in my hands they are not that heavy. I look at my schedule and I have study hall first. That is so lucky. I will not have anything to do today except to read. I get to the class, and I take a deep breath and walk in five minutes before the bell.

"Hi, I am new I was told to get my locker and lock combination here?"

"Hi let's see...." I look around and I see a lot of familiar faces staring at me, "yes you are locker 1603 and this is you combination!"

"Thank you." I hurry to put my stuff in my locker and go back in to take a seat. Everyone is still staring at me. I can hear them whispering. Well, I guess it is a good thing they don't recognize me. I look around to see if I can find Arnold, Gerald, and my best friend Phoebe. I see Arnold and my heart skips a beat all handsome. I can't believe how much he has change. I then see a girl walk in I can tell who that is Phoebe and right behind her is Gerald. I still can't believe that I still talked to these three, but they could not recognize me. Well, that is what I get for the few texts and letters we sent back and forth.  She sits in front of me.  I pull out my phone and I text phoebe before the bell.

"Hi Phoebe!"

I get a real quick text back, "When are you coming back?"

It is a good thing she is in front of me I will get her so good. "I am back Phoebs"

"When are you coming back to school?"

"I am back in school I started today!"

"What class you in?"

The teacher took roll call, and we went to our work. Skipping over me because I talked to her already before class started.

"Well Phoebe I am in study hall."

"Cool will I see you soon?"

I look at her I almost laugh tap her on the shoulder, "Yes you will see me soon!"

She turned around all happy, "Helga!" she whispered to me, and I looked to see all my old friends staring at me. I then looked over to see Arnold staring at me with a smile. I smiled at him then turned so he could not see my face.

Arnold POV
I can't believe she is back! I never knew when she was to be coming back. I have been thinking about her. Even though I am still with Lila. She left to go to Florida with her dad I still think of Helga.  It may seem weird, but I can't help it. I love both girls, but I am with Lila, so I am focused on her at the moment. I wonder if Helga and I will ever be together. I guess that just a dream that will never happen.  I don't know if Lila will give me reason not to be with her.  I continue to look at Helga to see what she is doing, and I do it for so long that class has ended.

"Helga wait up!" I tell her.

"What is up football head?" she says to me with a nice tone. I let her call me that name it has grown on me.

"Well, I just wanted to know if everything is okay with you. You don't look all that happy at the moment."

"No, I had a stupid conversation with Bob in the car on the way here" she sighed, "But I don't want to talk about it."

"Helga it is ok whenever you want to talk about it, I am here for you!" I put my hand on her shoulder.

Normal POV
They walked to the cafeteria and talked a bit. When they got there, they grabbed their plates and sat down with their friends.

"Helga how was the trip?" Rhonda pushed her way through to get to her friend.

"Rhonda it was wonderful!" Helga said as she went to hug Rhonda.

Everyone was asking what she all saw and what she all did in Florida.

This went on for the rest of the Nutrition period and when the bell rang, they went to their classes.

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