The case of the rejuve people part 3 a sick source of sick pleasure

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Dennis, Tammy and Ryder arrive at the rejuve centre and sneak in to find two missing people.
"This place is big are you sure people get rejuved here?"
"Of course I've been here several times enough to know every inch of it and what ever you do, do not go into the machine."
"What machine?"
"The very machine that has taken the lifes of so many and ours too"
"Look if you two have been here before did the agents did you see the agents get rejuvenated here?"
"No we weren't invited."
"Sigh Im sorry this happened to you and in gonna make sure you don't get that again."
"Shhhh look"
Tammy and the others turn and look to see another person struggling and trying to break free from the evil people's range
"NO PLEASE NOT THAT, MAKE ME PIC UP GARBAGE, let me shine your shoes, just not rejuvenation anything but rejuvenation, let me go! Ahhhhh"

"Quick up here behind the dark pipes"
"What's about to happen?"
"He's going to be rejuvenated"
"And I can tell it won't be great for him"
"Just watch and see what happens."
The chamber begins its process turning the innocent man into a defenceless helpless little boy and when it is done
Dennis is shocked.
But as the process goes Dennis begins to have weird visions while close to the machine and he sees hundreds of innocent people screaming, crying and begging and sees mysterious alien figures called the forerunners.
"Wow that didn't just happen tell me that didn't just happen?"
"Sadly it did happen."
"I won't let my friends or anyone else get sentenced to this come on let's get out of here."
"Okay so rejuvenation is real and it turned my agent friends into small kids but why why did they do it? And it's right now the biggest threat to all humans which means we need to get out and come back with help."
"Get out? It's impossible I tried like seventeen times and got spanked for each and everyone of those times"
"I tried to leave also but they caught me before I could leave and I got spanked for it."
"Listen guys I am not gonna let those monsters spank you or hurt again because I'm gonna get you out of here then I'm gonna come back with help and then...
A ball appears from one of the yards and a little girl comes and is shocked to see Dennis
"Dennis? Oh my god I never thought I see you again you don't know how happy I am to see you."
"Wait how do you know my name?"
"It's me Henry Jackson I got rejuvenated into a little girl and they call me Hillary and a y rep."
"What the heck is a y rep? And how are you Henry Jackson he's a boy?"
"The machine can also turn boys into girls"
"If that machine can turn boys into girls who knows what else it can do"
"Henry come on I'm getting you out of here."
"I can't if I leave the yard I'll by spanked and my behind still hurts and mommy will scold me and make me sit when it hurts."
"Listen Henry that person is not your mommy and their bad people they kidnapped you and Loren do you know where she is?"
"No I don't know where she is somewhere in town."
"Then I've got to find her. Come on I'm getting you out of here."
"Dennis leave me come back with help just don't let me get spanked."
"I'm not and no one will ever again."
And then a woman's voice shouts out to Henry
"Hillary! Get over here now."
"Gotta go sorry Dennis."
"I'm not leaving without you Henry."
"Runaway Dennis runaway before you end up like me."
"Grrrr I'll be back for you I promise"
"We've got to find Loren good thing we're getting her while we make our escape."
"Where do we find her?"
"Somewhere that belongs to a little girl."
Then they here the name Loren from a backyard
"Loren I want you to stay in the yard while I make you lunch if you don't I'll spank you to remind you understand?"
"Yes daddy"
"Dennis? Oh my god how did you find me here?"
"I had a little help. Anyway come on I'm getting you out of here."
"Dennis I appreciate the fact Yu came out here to help but I can't risk getting spanked again I don't want anymore pain."
"Forget the pain it won't come to you because we're getting out of here come on."
"LOREN get over here"
"Oh no run away guys run get out of here now."
"We're you about to leave the yard?@
"No daddy I wasn't I wasn't please don't spank me."
"Wish I could believe that."
"Alright guys we have to get out of town I think I know a way to the exit come on."
While the trio of escapes run for their lives the CIA come knocking on Paradises door step with an army of vans and swat teams.
"This is Dennis Caliber requesting emidiate assistance over I have two kids in need of help and more who need loads of it. I'm approaching the entrance gate now requesting emidiate assistance over."
"You heard the man floor it."
"There's the gate and it's open were gonna make it."
Then the sheriff comes and says
"Hold it right there. Where do you think your going Dennis?"
"Anywhere but here that's where"
"Max what are you doing away from your mommy come on home."
"The names Ryder and this isn't my home."
"I saw what you did you've been liying to me you kidnapped my friends and turned them into small girls, why?"
"They tried to kidnap children and killed our kind and now there going to pay."
"The only ones that are going to pay are you unless you let us leave."
"Good luck with that."
Then a rocket shows and blasts them away the gates begin to close but Tammy, Dennis and Ryder escape and meet up with the detective to explain everything.
"Get these kids to a scanning machine they need help and a whole neighbourhood of them do too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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