I destroy anyone who gets in my way...

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You hugged Sock closer then let go. "So since your a demon what do you do kill people?". "Well not exactly I help people kill themselves". Said Sock. "Oh" you said looking down. You and Sock were friends and you knew why he was this way but you knew that it was bad and you wanted to help him. But now it was too late he was already a demon from hell there's wasn't much you could do. "Well why were you crying?" You asked. Sock looked down then looked at you. "Because he just won't do it!!!" He exclaimed. "Who won't do what?" You asked. "There is this kid named Jonathan and I'm trying to get him to kill himself and he just laughs at me!" Sock said. "That's horrible I guess" you said looking away. "I know he just won't do it I mean it isn't that hard! And it only hurts for a few minutes well depending on how you do it" Sock said. You didn't know what to say because you weren't a killer. "And the worst part is that he's hanging out with these other teenagers so he hardly notices me even when I'm trying to embarrass him!" Sock exclaimed. "So wait is Jonathan that blonde haired boy?" You asked. "Yeah he is" Sock sighed. "Now that he's in college he just doesn't pay attention to me anymore!" He said. Tears came back to Socks eyes. "Anyone who gets in the way will be

destroyed!" He exclaimed. "Sock" you said. Sock looked at you. "You don't wanna kill him do you" you said. Sock looked at you in disbelief. He didn't want to kill him he always shocked by how you knew him so well. "Well I uh- I have to kill him it's my job!" He said not wanting to admit it. "Sock you miss him being your friend I know you really don't want to" you said. He looked at you then started sobbing hard. "It's true! It's all true I don't want to kill him and I do miss him being my friend but if I don't Meph will fire me!" He said. "Meph?" You asked. "It's short for a Mephistopheles aka the devil" said Sock. You could tell Sock was really stressed out. "Well I don't know exactly what to do but we could figure it out together" you said smiling. Sock looked at you and smiled you always knew how to make him feel better. "Thanks" he said. "Do you have a place to stay?" You asked. "Well usually I'd stay with Jonathan but he's having a party tonight and honestly I hate seeing everything that goes down...." said Sock fiddling with the flaps on his hat. "You can stay with me" you said blushing a bit. "Are you sure?" Sock said blushing. "Of course!" You said. You and Sock walked to your apartment well you walked sock floated. When you got there you showed Sock around. After that you got a phone call from Kelley you told Sock you'd only be a minute. He nodded sleepily and plopped on the couch. The phone call was only 5 minutes long but Sock was out like a light. You saw him snoring softly on the couch. You smiled at him. "He's so adorable when he sleeps" you thought. You sat next to him for a minute when you felt sleepy....You woke up in the middle of the night to him hugging you and crying softly. You looked at him in concern "Sock what's wrong?" You asked. He didn't answer but sniffled a few times. You realized that his eyes were closed. "He's having a nightmare" you thought. You stroked his hair and whispered  "Shhh it's gonna be ok Sock don't worry". You hugged him tighter. You felt his heavy breaths on your shoulder. After a few minutes his breathing
slowed and he had stopped crying. You smiled once more and drifted back to sleep.

Hey anyone who reads this! I hope more people read this.... I won't stop updating till a ton of people do!!!!

Angels can be bad ( Welcome to hell sock x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now