Chapter 6- Got it?

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(Marshall's POV)

I walked into school, going to the spot where Fionna always stood. She was there with cake, of course.

"Hi Marshall!" Fionna said in her usual cheery voice.

"Hey Fi. Hi Cake." I said nodding to them both. I looked towards the doors of the school and saw Gumball. He looked amazing as always, but something felt off. He walked towards us, slowly.

"Hey, Gummy." Fionna said once he neared. He put on what seemed like a forced smile and nodded. Fionna and Cake were too stupid to realize something was wrong with Gumball so it was up to me to make him feel better.

Like always, Cake and Fionna started their own conversation which gave me the chance to talk to Gummy.

"Hey." I said. He looked up and smiled one of his faux smiles again.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said with a slight shake of his head.

"I'm not stupid, Gumball, I know something's up."

"It's nothing."

"It's obviously something."

"Seriously, just drop it." The bell rang and he literally sprinted down to his locker. What was his problem? Fionna and Cake gave me questioning glances and I shrugged.

We walked towards our lockers and then our classes.


I walked towards the lunch room and went to our usual table. Everyone was already there, even Gumball. As soon as I sat down we were called to go up and buy our food. We all stood up and walked towards the line. Once again Fionna and Cake were off in their own little world.

"Are you doing anything after school?" I asked Gumball. He she shrugged.

"You should come over." Again, no answer, just a shrug. I sighed and faced forward, praying for Gumball's strange mood to pass.

I got my food and went back to the table.

"Where's Gumball?" I asked. He wasn't at the table or buying lunch.

"I think he went to the bathroom." Cake said.

"Oh." I muttered and started eating. Gumball came back to the table and started picking at his food, not taking big bites at all. Again, Fionna and Cake were too preoccupied in their love of what ever the hell it was they were talking about, to notice Gummy.

"Can you please come over after school?" I asked. He seemed to stop breathing and looked up at me.

"I can't. I would, but I can't."

"Oh, that's okay." I said trying to the hide the hurt from my voice. Why on earth can't he come? I wanted to ask but I could tell Gumball probably just wanted to be left alone.

(Gumball's POV)

Words couldn't describe how much I wanted to go over to Marshall's, but instead I was going to Flame's. When I had gone to the bathroom I got a text from him asking me to come over. I said no and that I was going somewhere else. He threatened me. He said if I didn't come he would find me and hurt me, that there was no way out of this.

This new side of him, I don't like it. He's getting scary. Instead of his old happy self, he's being a downright devil to me.

The bell rang and I walked down to my locker to pack up and leave. I tried to go as fast as possible so I could avoid Marshall. I failed.

"You sure you can't come?" He asked.

"I'm sure." I said, scurrying past him. I walked out of the school and made my way towards Flame's house. It was about a 20 minute walk from the school to his house and a ten minute walk from mine to his. When I was finally there I was so scared I could throw up.

Flame seemed mad when he was texting me. I've never been around him when he was mad, and I don't ever want to be either.

I walked up to his door and rung the doorbell. Flame opened it and invited me inside.

"Why did you make me come here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see you. Come on." He said going upstairs. I followed and we went to his bedroom. I sat next to him on his bed.

"So, how was your day?" Flame asked.

"Okay. And yours?" I asked.

"Good. I missed you. I haven't seen you since the party." He said, bringing up the eventful night. There was a long silence before Flame spoke up again.

"Would you ever go out with me?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do. Would you or wouldn't you?"

"Okay, yeah sure."

"Then be my boyfriend."

"What?" I said, utterly confused.

"Be my boyfriend."

"No." This didn't please him. He grabbed my hair and pulled straight down making my head snap back.

"You don't have a choice." He said. Scared was an understatement. Flame was huge compared to me and could pin me down in seconds, hell, he already had. He let go of my hair and got up. He closed the door and locked it.

"Let's do something." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Each other." Not again. Please, not again.

"Let's not." I said trying to not let the fear show through my voice.

"Take off your shirt." He said, ignoring my words. I shook my head no.

"You don't have a choice." He said and started pulling it off himself. I immediately became aware of the cuts on my arms.

"So you're emo?" He asked, he sounded so disgusted. I shook my head no again.

"Then why did you cut?" He asked. Because of you, dumbfuck! But, I couldn't say that so instead I shrugged.

"I don't understand people who cut." He said pushing me back onto the bed.

"They're stupid." He said, working at my pants.

"They deserve all the pain." He said, pulling them off. He slid off his own.

"You..." He said trailing off. He pulled off my boxers, leaving me buck naked.

"You deserve all the pain." He bent down and started kissing my neck. He made his was down to my belly button before stopping. He stood up and raised his hand, curling it into a fist. It came down and hit me hard on the cheek. My hands tried to reach my face but Flame grabbed them and pinned them to the bed.

"Stop moving." He half whined.

"Let me go home." I begged. He didn't answer, just kept looking at me.

"Home? Or back to Marshall?" He asked, a new found anger forming in his eyes.

"What? No! I want to go home." I said.

"No, I bet as soon as I let you go you'll go straight to that boy. I saw you leaving the party with him."

"I had no other way to get home! Besides, all he did was drive me back to my house! That's it."

"I'm not stupid."

"Obviously you are because I didn't do anything with him!"

"You fucked him didn't you?" He yelled.


"You're lying. I know you did."

"I didn't do anything with him! Why won't you believe me?"

"Because I can tell you're lying!"

"I didn't lie."

"Yes you did. You're a whore, an emo and a liar!"

"You sound crazy!" I screamed. Flame looked at me for a second, his eyes burning with pure anger. He grabbed me by my hair again and pulled me down to the floor. His foot connected with my stomach, a total of three times. My ribs once.

"Don't insult me. Don't talk back. Don't yell at me. I'm done being nice. I'm done playing games. You listen to me now, got it?" He said. I gulped and nodded weakly.

"Get up." He barked. I slowly got up, a terrible pain heavy in my stomach and my heart.

"Go home." He said sitting on his bed facing away from me. I practically ran out of there. When I was finally a couple houses down form his I pulled out my cellphone and called Marshall. I don't like texting.

"Hello?" I heard Marshall's lovely voice through the phone.

"Hey, Marsh, can I come over now?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Cool, thanks, be there soon." I said.

When I finally got there I tried to be as friendly with Marshall as possible. No flirting of any sorts and sitting a reasonable amount away from him. I didn't want him thinking we could just pick up where we left off. This whole ordeal with Flame was ruining things.

But how on earth do I get away from him? He knows where I live, my number, what school I go to and what I look like (obviously). I can't tell the police, I'm too scared. I don't want him to get arrested, I just want him to leave me alone.

The only guy I want in my life right now is Marshall, but I'm too afraid to let him all the way in again. I still want to be friends with him though. I don't want to lose him completely. But I do want to lose Flame. But how?

So? How do you guys like it? I bet some of you thought this was gonna be a cute simple lovestory. Well, it's not. This is only the beginning of the journey c: I feel kinda bad making FP the bad guy but tbh I never really liked him or Flame Princess (she screamed bad news). If you see any mistakes feel free to tell me.

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