village part one

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"Ok we'll go straight to village."
"OK sir. What do you think about the village?"
"I don't know ask Danny. Oh but there is problem he is not here. I think friendly people or some kind of life maybe."
"Ya sir so why we stay here comon"
"Carter I like when you are commanding but not so much especially me."
"Oh.. Yes sir of course." * I've just thought we could... Bad idea (again) Sam!* she is commanding yourself
"Good let's go."
"Hi I am.."
"Jack we know" said the alien
"We?" ask surprised Jack
"Yes we are all sharing one mind."
"Unbelievable. How you can know.. "
"What do you think mayor Carter?" said the alien and she's looking like #How the hell he can know what I am think!# Jack saw her face and understood her so he smile
"We are the telepathic form of life."
"OK that explain how they can share their minds. But.."
"I'm sure, that you have a lot of questions but I'm old and my body hurts me when I am staying so can we go to my house to sit?" ask alien
"Sure" Said Jack "But what is your name?"
"My name is Vládce" he smile like darkness
"Vládce, that is very but very strange name the other people, are you people right?, haven't so strange name!?!"
"Sure Jack that they haven't... But I must tell you some unpleasant news Sam can't go with you cause woman and men can't be in one house, especially with me, she must be in Woman's house. If you agree we can go." said Vládce
He turn to Carter and said "Carter if you don't want..."
"That alright sire you go with Vládce and I will go with woman and contact Daniel."
"OK. Be careful. Bye"
"Bye sire."
"Can we go Jack."
"Yes" answered Jack. They started go when Vládce "Woman when is dark women must be at home or where man say." and continue with Jack and some alien. In minute come two woman, who wants take her to home so they're started walking
--5min later
"What is this house? Looks different." ask Sam
"No one women know what is inside it is know only Vládce and 3 or 6 men I'm not sure."
"What's your name?"
"My name is Marta."
" Approximately we can't go in."
"yes you are right. What's your name?"
"I'm Sam"
"You are welcome Sam but not in this house. Please follow us." said Marta
"fine." And she follow Marta. Later they come into Women's house.
"Please go in." the other women were actually inside but "Why she's staying."
"Please don't ask me." said Marta with sad voice
"If you want take me to the house then you must say me who is she!!"
"OK she is Rose now.." she show her way to the house. She go inside.

I use the (villager) name from Doctor Who but they're translate to Slovak language.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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