1) Introduction

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I felt my knife sink slowly into the skin of his stomach, a stray tear made its way down the line my face before falling onto his jacket of leather. His eyes widened in shock as he dropped to the ground of the cold alleyway...


I jerked up and out of sleep quickly, cold sweat covering my body. "Just a dream" I thought to myself. For once I was glad my alarm broke me out of dreamland. I slowly roll out of my bed with broken complaints falling from my mouth. I make my way to my bathroom to take a long, relaxing shower before getting my clothes for the day. I choose some ripped high waisted skinny jeans and a white crop top, before grabbing my dad's old giant hoodie that I stole, and throwing it on over. I walk down the stairs and check the time, I'm already late, so might as well have a big breakfast. I get stuff out to make pancakes and bacon. Rule #1 if your gonna be late already, then you might as well be as late as possible, or just don't go. Today I'm going with the second option. As soon as I finish breakfast I go back to my room and change. I grab my phone and lay on my bed with my head hanging off the side. If I call in sick then I won't need to send in a written excuse. I dial the school's number and put on my act. "Hi, Mrs green." "Hi sweetie, how are you?" "Not super." "Oh, what's the matter hun?" "I just really don't feel well, *cough* I don't think I can come in today. *cough*" "Oh, ok, honey. Just rest up so you can come in tomorrow" "ok" I hang up with a smile and sit back up. Laying your head of the side of the bed makes you sound congested. Perfect way to get out of things. I change back into my pajamas and grab my laptop so I can binge watch Doctor Who, while eating popcorn and junk. No better way to start your day.

Now, I bet at this point, you are wondering why you are reading this. Heck if I know. I don't find this story to be rather interesting at all. But my friend told me it was. You see from what you've read so far, I seem like a normal teenage girl, and I suppose you are right.
Actually that's a lie, you're wrong.
Well it is 100% true that I am a teenage girl, I'm not exactly what you would consider normal in this world that has to put a label on everything.

There are rules to society, it may seem to many people that nobody follows those rules, but those people are wrong. Pretty much everyone follows those rules. Even a lot of those in prison follow those rules. It's just what makes a human a human. But sometimes, something goes wrong in a person's mind that makes them want to put a gun to another person's head...or chest...or stomach. Basically you are either a perfect little angel, or a killer. Now you might be thinking that there has to be some gray areas, but again, you are wrong. There are no gray areas. Well maybe to you there are. But to me, it's only black or white.
Now maybe you are wondering what category I fall into. Well, I am definitely not perfect, nor an angel, I am little, but that is not the point. So by now you've had to have figured out what that makes me in this world of rules, categories, and labels. If you haven't figured it out, then you are not the smartest.

Obviously I'm a killer.

But I didn't really choose to be. In a world of black and white, I guess there is room for a little grey.

And I swear, I'm a good person.

That probably sounds dumb, but I have an idea, and that is the best start I can think of. Also, sorry for how short ot is, this is only an intro. Who knows, maybe I'll re-write this someday. Probably not. But anyway, I hope you enjoy!!! Please comment and like, or don't. :-/


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