Chapter 1

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Coalkit opened his eyes. It had been several moons since he had been found out by Hibiscuspaw—who was now known as Hibiscusleaf,—and he had been on his best behavior. Will I get Hibiscusleaf as my mentor? Or will I get someone else? What if I get a bad mentor? I might become a terrible warr—

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a tongue brushing across his coat.

"You're going to become a apprentice today! I want you looking your very best!" Moonshard purred. "They grow up so quickly, don't they, Emeraldeyes?" She said, turning to the fellow queen.

"They do indeed." Emeraldeyes nodded, blinking her pure green eyes.
"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the for a Clan meeting!" A voice yowled out.

"Oh!" Emeraldeyes exclaimed. "Looks like it's time already!"

"Do me proud, okay dear?" Moonshard said, giving Coalkit one last lick.

Coalkit sighed. "Wish me luck!" He whispered under his breath as he entered the clearing.

Diamondstar looked down at Coalkit. "Coalkit, you are six moons old, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, you will be known as—"

"Look out!" Someone yowled. 

Cats launched through the clearing, shoving the Clan out of their way. 

When a group of bystanders refused to let the strangers through, they were viciously attacked until they stayed down.

"Featherstar, what are you doing, marching into ?Clan's camp, and attacking ?Clan's cats?" Diamondstar hissed, his blue eyes slits.

FeatherstarA grey she-cat with white spotsspun around. "You failed to give the prophecized kit to us by his apprentice ceremony!" She spat.

"The prophet is our problem to deal with, not yours." Diamondstar growled, but he kept anxiously looking at Coalkit.

I'm the prophet! Coalkit realized, nearly gasping with fear. I'm going to be evil!

"Coalkit, why don't you come with me for a second..." 

Coalkit spun around. Behind him was the SorrelClan medicine cat, Tansydust. She picked him up, and Coalpaw struggled as she made a hasty retreat while she had the chance, and the rest of the clan followed suite.

"Good work everyone," Featherstar said, and paused, "We better make haste. They will easily catch up at this rate," he added, quickening his pace
"Let me go!" Coalpaw hissed, trying to attack his captors. Tasydust ignored his complaints as the capture party trotted all the way to the camp. 

Once they made it to the camp, Featherstar called a meeting around a large pit.

An apprentice walking by to watch shoved him in. He clung onto the edge with all of his strength. All of a sudden, she crept close and glared at him

"I just wanted to look you in the eye the moment before you die. You are a traitor to the true clan. We will rule the forest, and you shall watch from the place of no stars. Die." She hissed, pushing him off of the edge.

He was falling...


Then nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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