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BabyA: are you serious

BabyA: babe wtf

BabyA: it's an hour past the time we were supposed to skype

JayJay: I'm sorry ;(( a family emergency came up

BabyA: in the few hours since we last spoke?

JayJay: yes

BabyA: im sorry to hear that

BabyA: but my dick isn't :-( i was really excited to hear your voiceee

JayJay: ik ik mine isn't too happy either

JayJay: but the emergency wasn't serious

JayJay: just my aunt's in the hospital giving birth
JayJay: so more of a surprise than an emergency

JayJay: but my mom kept me on the phone with her for an hour panicking and i had to calm her down before she put herself in the hospital as well

JayJay: but I planned on flying back tomorrow anyway

JayJay: and idk why im telling you all this but i feel like you should know each and every detail

BabyA: james it's fine

BabyA: you just left me high and dry, is all :/

JayJay: im sorry, doll

BabyA: don't be. it's cool.

BabyA: we'll just have to reschedule to tomorrow night or something

JayJay: I'll be at my mom's tomorrow tho...

BabyA: exactly ;)

BabyA: just be somewhere private

JayJay: tsk tsk, dirty aleks

BabyA: ;P

JayJay: xD xD


BabyA: if you know how I feel whY would you sAy tHAT like you put me in such an uncomfortable situation like you know im not happy

JayJay: kim k???

BabyA: you kNow I'm tryING

JayJay: im gonna go now...




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