Chapter One

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It was Monday... Getting dressed for me became something like a sport. I had to first find clothes that were covering all of my body and that weren't tight. Then, make sure they would cover every single flaw, bruise, and mistake without drawing attention to me. Usually, that meant jeans and a long sleeve shirt paired with either a vest or a T-shirt. Today, it was a dark colored plaid open flannel shirt with a long sleeved black crew neck shirt underneath, dark stretch jeans, and converses that won out of the rest.

When it came to my hair, I just settled on a messy ponytail. Once I looked at least relatively decent, I grabbed my backpack, breakfast, and lunch to go then I was out the door.

I rode the school bus to school and I hated it. It wasn't the driver or the fact that it was a bus, it was the fact that I didn't have a bus aisle-friendly body. And everyone loved to point that out with their groans and complaints as I tried to find somewhere to sit so I could have the whole seat and not have to hear mumbles about how they didn't want me to be sitting with them because I was too big. Go figure.

The only one I could count on was Brit, one of my best friends. We were so close she was like a sister to me with her crazy stud behind.

Sitting down next to her, we did our usual Jazzy Jazz and Fresh Prince handshake. She always said she was the fresh prince, but she has more of a Jazz personality, but don't tell her that or she'll rant on and on for days.

"Morning, sis." She smiled at me.

"Right back at cha, bro," I smiled back before she went to checking her phone for texts from whatever females were tryna get with her this week. I left her be and just got sucked into my thoughts... The reenactments of last night and trying to think of everything else besides the pain that my body was going through.

Time passed and next thing I knew I was getting elbowed in the side. I winced noticeably, biting my lip hard to try and focus elsewhere. I didn't want Brit to notice, but she noticed easily. That was just what she was good at. Knowing she was going to say something about it, I didn't look at her.

"Get up we at school... And yes we will talk about that, so don't think I'm letting it go."

I didn't say anything, I just gave a small nod and rose to my feet. We were in fact at school... I didn't even notice. Sighing, I shook my thoughts away and made my way off the bus. I felt so out of it, though. Like with each step I felt dizzy and woozy like my mind was spinning. My knees were about to give way sending me down to the ground on my face when I felt arms hold me steady as my feet touched the pavement. I closed my eyes while grabbing onto the body before me not even realizing or really caring that I was hugging the person, clinging to them rather until I felt the arms wrap around my back.

"Aye, ma? You good? You want me to take you to the office or something?" The voice was so soothing and even, calm and steady.

I had no clue what to say, I felt like everything was still spinning and I was beyond confused. The next thing I knew... Everything was dark and I was out....

AN: Feedback is much loved. Lemme know what you guys think. And Britt is based on a real person. She better know who she is

Crier's Lullaby (stemxstud)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora