Chapter 1 ~[Rest is Coming Soon]

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"And I Can Love You More Than This!" I sang to my heart's content as the five beautiful angels sang with their godly like voices on stage. The screams and cries of young girls filled my ear drums. I smiled for the fact that I was part of this amazing, screaming fandom; blessed even! But, I was flushed with embarrassment acknowledging I was screaming even though I'm nineteen years of age who is now smiling like a crazy person because of the boy band named One Direction.

They had that effect on people I guess; especially Louis. Oh, Louis "The Tommo" Tomlison. Who can resist that bum!? Unfortunately, More Than This was the last song of the night. Tears filled my eyes as I felt the slight stinging of it. I sobbed for how happy I felt that night even though I was way in the back of the arena but I didn't care; I was breathing the air they were breathing, I was in their atmosphere in the same fucking time zone, I was there hearing their voices in person after constant tweets and collecting money just to come here! Nothing in this world could be better!

After the song had ended the boys said their goodbyes and exited the stage. I wiped my fingers under my eyes knowing I must have had my mascara running. All my fellow directioners and some lame carrots and those few bitchy directionators left to the exits as I followed. Some left to the concession stands, the gift shops, outside for rides: I favored to go outside.

I waited for Kyle but after two hours of watching the thousands of fans leaving, I came to realize that he wasn't going to come. Why do I even stay with him!? I tried endless calls with all my contacts, no one answered. My mom was at work; Jill was at a party and Kyle.... I don't even know!

I stood up to start the two mile walk considering I was the only one left. I played the useless games that were in my phone. Then, I bumped into an object. Not like I fell but like our shoulders hit causing my phone to fall out of my hand.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." I apologized to the person --not knowing who they were-- looking at her phone.

They laid their hand on my shoulder. "No, it was my fault love."

He picked up my phone and handed it back to me as I began to analyze their high pitched British accent. It was a bit peculiar considering we were on the coast of Oregon. But in a split second I knew who it was! When I looked up, my heart fluttered, I caught my breath as I stared --speechless-- into his light blue eyes that had a tint of gray!

I began to open my mouth, wanting to say something back whilst trying not look like a total idiot: but right when I was about to say something, Paul called him over as they had to leave to the next concert which I assumed it was somewhere in Cali.

He smiled and walked away. I stood there frozen up for a bit until he looked back with a glance which melted my heart whole. This was officially the best night of my life!

After he drove off with the rest of the lads, I began to walk.

It was a cold, dark, vacant night out here. The occasional car passed by but I was terrified to ask for a ride. I continued to walk ignoring my thoughts. I reached to the coast that was a shortcut that would lead me to my apartment off the end of it.

I took a moment to take off my toms so my toes could enjoy the cold water of the beach. The dim street lights guided my way. Everything was fine --I could be home in 40 minutes really-- until I felt a presence. I glanced in the corner of my eye as I kept walking, believing it was imagination again.

I felt it again but this time closer! I stopped and looked around. When I saw nothing I spurred up my pace as I felt my palms grew sweatier and my body tensed up as I was getting a bit scared. I began to dial Kyle once more hoping he would answer this time but as usual, no reply.

The third time it happened I heard a noise, that's when I started to run!

When I finally saw a dark figure, I dropped most of my stuff and ran harder: Pushing my feet against the cold sand. My jaw was clenched as I felt the freezing breeze blow through my hair while my heart was in total adrenaline.

Then, the thing grabbed me by the waist whilst had his hand covered my mouth. I tried my best to get out of his grip by squirming, kicking and punching but nothing happened, he still held me as he walked to the water. He had a glove on but I managed to sink my teeth, biting him hard and that's when he finally let go of me and I landed on the sand.

He groaned in pain but I didn't pay much attention at the time when I tried to get up from the sand. Right when I thought I was going to be okay, my legs were pulled together and dragged to the water. He sat on my lap, restraining my legs, holding my wrists with his knees. I couldn't see his face because of his ski mask.

Tears came filling my eyes as the cold waves crashed into face. I gasped for air as he strangled me whilst pushing me under water. My feet were dry as they were on the sand part of the beach. Not only that, he continuously banged my head against a sharp rock. I felt the water get warmer as I lost blood.

I wanted to fight back but I was losing myself. I felt lightheaded. Pain rushed everywhere in my body. My eyes stung. I was dying!

I couldn't feel the cold anymore. I lost most of my senses. The only thing I could do left was to look up into the sky, seeing the stars. They reminded me of the glow sticks we waved in the arena. Louis' face popped into my mind and I smiled. My eyes rolled back into my skull in a blissful remembrance.

And then I died.

(A/N: Hey Guys this is a Dysfunctional Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction. This chapter is when they did the Up All Night tour so forgive if it sound carroty... But I promise it won't stay like that forever. This is going to be way different than anything you have every read so hope you enjoyed it! Anyways to a more important note... I'm only posting this chapter until I finish my Harry Styles and Zayn Malik fanfics... I'm only doing two at a time considering I'm school so hope you enjoy (LOL I already said that xD)! ~ Yesiixxxx)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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