Its too cold part one.

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I woke up to a loud BOOM!!
I got out of bed and walked into the dinning room. Everyone was in there pj's.
"What's going on?" Mangle asked.
Freddy looked over at her and said "A huge storm... You know that if we get too cold we shut off, and we will can shut off for good."
"What are you saying?" Asked Toy Bonnie.
Golden Freddy took the words out of Freddy's mouth,"If the power goes off to long we can shut off.."
We all gasped, except for Bonnie.
"Ah ha ha ha ha!!"
Freddy kicked him in the shine and said "It's not something to laugh about, chuckles!"
I glanced over at ChiChi,and of course, she was cuddled up against Foxy...
The last thing Freddy said was the worst,"The newer ones,the toys, have a bigger chance to get to cold..."
I gasped, and looked back at ChiChi, her blue eyes had fear in them.
I looked back at Freddy" We have had one scary thing but,get ready we are gunna have another..."

"ChiChi!" I yelled.
"Chica..." She said quietly, as she walked up to hug me.
Just a few minutes ago the power was off. It was already colder. I looked at her, she looked tired. She slowly sleeper through my arms,onto the floor.
"ChiChi?" I asked. She fell on the floor.
I stood in shock, my lips moved but no sound came out.
"ChiChi!" Foxy yelled. He ran up, got on one knee and picked her head and body up, it looked like she was laying in his arms.
I yelled,"Whaa! Ahh!"
I got on the floor laying on my side and curled up,"Ahh!!"
"Chica!!" Foxy yelled.
He put down ChiChi, and grabbed me. He...hugged me... The first time in a long time....
"Chica...shh... It's okay.... Your just traumatized...."
I softly cried In his chest.
Everyone was all curled up in a pile ChiChi and Toy Bonnie were the only ones out.  We couldn't have them with us, there bodies were to cold. Foxy and I were cuddled together. My head was up against his chest, and his head was resting on mine. I heard his heart beating faster than usual. Was it because of me being here? Or was it the what's happening?
"Foxy?" I asked.
"Are, you a-alright?"
"Yeah, just a little shocked that all."
"I'm sorry of this is you know awkward...."
"Nah, it's cool."
I smiled and fell asleep.

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