Chapter 1

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Baji=sister in a respected manner
Aslamualikum= peace be upon you (muslim greeting)

"Sophiaaaaa Bajiiii" my little sister shouted
"Hushhh" I spoke quietly, putting my hand on her mouth.
Today was the first official proposal that had come for me.Even though I was 'asked' if I wanted to marry my cousin and I said NO, just because of his past.
He was a good person, inside out.But I wish my family knew the secrets he kept before even thinking about getting me married to him.

"There's a man standing next to the door, ewww.... look...come here!"
Did she just say "ewww" that will be a definite no no.I was afraid to look outside the window because I had always been taught not to because "A good respected daughter shouldn't look outside of the window and especially on this busy road." My mum always taught me.

"Dua, come here, if mum sees you, she's going to shout... at me! Come here Dua" I was extremely nervous and this little 6 years old munchkin was definitely going to help me a lot.
I heard footsteps rushing towards the door as I closed the buttons of Dua's dress."Sophia, go make tea and bring it when I tell you to " my mum told me as she ran back down as fast as she could before my dad opened the door.

Sneakily tip toeing, I managed to get to the kitchen as the door was closed.Dua followed me, copying me exactly with her little toes.

I did as I was told and made tea, decorated the tray with all sorts of snacks, from samosas to different flavoured biscuits."Dua" I called as she looked up munching on some m&m's "Yesssh" she spoke trying to control the drooling from the sweetness.
"Why did you say ewww to the man" I asked as I sat on the chair infront of her putting my hand forward for some m&m's.
"Because the boy was hairy...he- he had hair coming down his chin."
"WHAT! That doesn't mean he's ewww" she shrugged her shoulders.
Wow, it surprised me how my views on a good looking man changed since I was Dua's age.When we are little,we believe in the most magical things: a man with clear soft cheeks, we don't even care about the full lips or the sharp hairline or even the full,nicely shaped beard.But I guess as you grow up, you start to recognise someone's imperfections and somehow learn to embrace it or we allow our brains to get dissolved in society's expectations.

"Sophia come, mums calling" my older brother Hasan popped his head in the kitchen."Woh you scared me" I spoke as I fixed my scarf.
This definitely felt like walking through hell.Keep cool, I kept on telling myself.I picked up the snack tray and handed it to Hasan and got the tea tray and we both started walking towards the living room.

"Good luck" Hasan mouthed as we were just about to enter the room.
"Wait for meee!" I heard Dua shout as she came running.We stopped and waited for her.I wasn't sure if we were allowed to take her in so I asked Hasan "She's a good girl, don't worry, she won't steal anything" he spoke winking at the end."Have some shame" I whispered as Dua opened the door and my head dropped.Eyes on the floor.

"Aslamualikum" I managed to whisper.Normally in awkward situations, I always had a lump form in my throat right at the moment I was about to speak.Today was a miracle.

I did not have the courage to take my eyes off the floor and look around at the people.Hasan put the tray on the table and took a seat, whilst a woman I assumed she was "the mum" stood up and hugged me as I put the tray on the table."Come here" she said as she got my arm and pulled me slightly towards her, making space on the three seater sofa.
"I only heard about you before but now I know why your aunty loves you so much" she spoke as everyone else carefully listened to her including me.My aunty was my first fan when I started college.At the end of high school when she asked me what I was going to be doing in college and I told her " Biology and Chemistry" she thought I was so clever but I was just an average girl with average grades.

I kept on giving weak smiles as the aunty spoke more about my aunty.
Then came the main bit... the bit we had all been waiting for, the bit that was the only useful bit.
"Well this is Ahil, he's 24 and just completed his Master's in Law aunty spoke as I nervously lifted my face off the floor and looked up.No reaction.

"Introduce yourself" She offered
Clearing my throat I spoke "Umm.. My name is Sophia Rehman.I am 22 years old and I am studying Medicine ." I stopped I wanted to say something else but I suddenly had a second thought about it but in a split of a second confidence went straight through me "My course finishes in May next year" I spoke so they would know that I am still studying and I don't plan to leave it any time soon.
"Ahil do you have anything to ask?" She asked

"Well, I just want to know the plans for the future" He spoke with confidence as high as the Burj Khalifah.Didn't that sound a bit rude.I mean just a teeny weeny rude.

"Well let us know, what you guys think" My dad spoke lifting his eyes off the floor.I became a little disappointed, I felt like as if I was some sort of product and I had to get views in order to be used.

"No, whats the point of wasting time, let the children ask some questions if they need to, otherwise it's a yes from us" The mum spoke, I still hadn't figured out her name yet.

I looked at my dad, he looked thoughtful, I knew he was going to say no to the fact of "the children meeting".
"Well, Sophia, do you have any questions?" My dad asked as he stared at my surprised face.

"I just want to finish my studies"
"Well, you can do that after marriage" He spoke in a firm tone.
My mum called me outside and asked if I was okay with it or not.I told her I am happy.She told me to stay out whilst the parents had their talk, after she went in, a moment later "Ahil" came out with Hasan.

I felt my blood sprinting that left my cheeks crimson and hot.Ahil cleared his throat, Hasan and him started talking and getting to know each other whilst I stood there like a statue unsure whether to go in my room or stay like a statue.This was awkward.
Moments later, mum called all of us and it was final.He was going to be mine and I was going to be his.I never thought I would get married like this.I wanted to tell my kids stories of how we met but I guess my love story will begin here?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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