Father's Day Imagine Part 2

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A/N: I know I said that I would do Jason, Will and Nico's, but I'm only going to Will and Nico's. I'm so sorry. If you want Jason's done, 10 votes on both Father's day imagines. Thank you. Hope you love it.

Will ( his P.O.V )

Y/N and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 years since we got married, but nothing ever happened. We went to doctor's and they all said the same thing. Y/N and will never be able to have kids. It broke our hearts that we could never have a baby of our own.
Today is father's day. A day I just wish that If I had a kid, he or she would come running upbringing me and say happy fathers day, but in know that's never going to happen. I was just watching The Voice when I heard a a scream come from from upstairs. Y/N! I ran upstairs to our shared room to find Y/N sitting on our bed with something her hands.

"Y/N, are you ok?" I asked sitting next to her on the bed.

"Will, I'm pregnant." She said.

"What?!?!" I yelled in shock

"You know how these past few weeks, I've been throwing up, gaining weight, sleeping I'm a lot , and had all of these odd cravings?" She asked

I nodded.

"Well, I was also late on my monthly pain in the butt friend, so I decried to take test and it came out positive. Will, I'm pregnant. We are going to have a baby." Y/N said

I looked at her in disbelief. I can't believe this. I'm going to be a father. I kneeld in between her legs, lifted her shirt up a little and kissed her stomach.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will love you forever." I said to my unborn baby.

I stood up and kissed Y/N.

"Thank you for making it the best day of my life." I said

"Well it is Father's Day." She said.

This can't get any better.

Nico ( his P.O.V )

It's been 2 years since my son, Charlie, was born and I'm so worried and scared that he hates me. ' Why would he hate you?' You ask. Well, when he took his first steps he walked straight to my wife, his mother, Y/N. He said momma first and when ever I try to hug him, he runs away from me. I guess I'm a bad father.
Today is practically the worst day of my life. It's fathers day. I sat on my shared bed cuddling a pillow and crying. I was sobbing so loud, I didn't notice Y/N walk in and sit next to me.

"Nico, what's wrong?" She asked with a worried tone

"My son hates me. Charlie hates me." I cried.

"Now why would you say that?" Y/N asked

"Well, for starters, every time I try to hug him or try to pick him up from his crib, he cries and runs away. Y/N, Charlie hates me." I cried.

Y/N pulled me into her side cuddling me. This the only boy of my day so far. I still sobbing when I felt a weight on my lap. I look up to see Charlie sitting on my lap.

"Dadda!" He said.

I was shocked. He actually said Dadda.

"Hapwie Faders Day." Charlie said stumbling on his words as he handed me a picture of our family that he drew.

I smiled and hugged him.

"I love you Dadda." Charlie Said as he quickly fell asleep on my chest.

It made me smile from ear to ear.

"See, Charlie doesn't hate you. He just needed to warm up to you. Everyone is different and learns at a certain pace. He just took his time." Y/N said kissing my head and Charlie's.

Now this is officially the best day of my life.


Hope you guys liked it. If it's not just let me know. I would like your feedback. STAY AWESOME MY AWESOME FRIENDS.

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