Chapter 1

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(A/N;; Hi guys. I just wanted to say that I don't know if I will update too often. I just heard that a friend of mine came out of the hospital after trying to commit suicide. I just wanna be with her right now to comfort her and to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid. No-one suspected a thing. So yeah, I hope you understand.


(NekoKyandi Here is chapter 1. Enjoy ;u;)

|•| Chapter 1 |•|

Days are rough.

Ciel, a eighteen year old boy, stands up at 3 in the morning to start walking for twenty-one hours just to find a place where it's safe. Safe from the sudden outbreak of the virus.

It's quite a weird virus, actually. It kills humans, animals, plants.. But it brings them back to life a week after, completely rotten, smelling and they have the urge to kill to satisfy their thirst for blood and their hunger for flesh.

The creatures are the living dead, also known as the undead. You might know them as Zombies.

Ciel Phantomhive. One of the few survivors. How he managed to do it, he doesn't know. He ran away after he found his parents and his dog dead on the ground with a yellow-green hue around them.

He found his best friend and cousin Elizabeth a few days ago. Alive. Now they both go on their journey together, but not without any nagging from the girl.

"Ciel, I'm tired, my feet hurt and my shoes are dirty!"

She is a survivor. Elizabeth Midfort, a nineteen year old girl. She doesn't care about the apocalypse. She only cares about her outfit, her hair and puppies.

Ciel didn't find that annoying one bit. He got used to it after looking after her for three years. They had been friends for as long as Ciel could remember, but ten years ago was when they became best friends.

"We have to go look for a safe place, Lizzy. I don't want anyone dying today."

Five in the morning is the time in London. The city isn't what it used to be. The buildings have been destroyed and rotten, unhabitable.
Danger lures everywhere. Why don't Ciel and Lizzy live in the buildings that are still standing? The virus might be there, there might be victims. Ciel wants to be completely sure that everything is safe.

His only saviour right now is his gun. His father gave it to him right before he was infected. He can't stop thinking about it. He could still remember how the oxygen in his house was lacking, how yellow-green everything looked.. He had encountered the virus himself, but he wasn't a victim. Why?

•~~|Until The End|~~•

Ciel woke up by a sudden bang. It sounded like a bookcase fell down, or a dinertable that collapsed.

His tenth birthday was just a day before and he got quite because of the party.

Right when he woke up, he noticed how difficult is was to breathe and how everything looked.. Green-ish?

"Mommy? Daddy?"

The ten year old walked out of his room just to see that all the flowers and plants were hanging down in their pots. All dead, which was weird because Tanaka watered them last night.

The young boy walked down the stairs. Everything seemed so dull. So dead. The air was thin and it seemed like almost all oxygen in this house was lost. The boy began to lose his sight. He saw bits and spots of black, almost ready to faint. His chest hurt, his head hurt because of the lack of oxygen.

Until The End Of The World (Black Butler Sebaciel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now