Sharp N' Shiny

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No one took Zabuza's sword and Kisame is just a famous swordsman and not because of Samehada in this fanfic and all other members are dead IE Zabuza was the last one

Naruto was fed up with the village, so much so that he had decided being Hokage was no longer his goal, he didn't know what his new goal would be but for now he wouldn't sweat the details, he needed to get out of Konoha now before anyone noticed he was missing.
Naruto was quickly packing up his things when a smile formed on his face, he would create a shadow clone that could last for months before it dispelled leaving him so far away no one would be able to find him however he also created an earth clone and told it to fuse with the shadow clone to increase durability. He smiled when his plan came through and he created a 'tough' shadow clone, he quickly left under the henge of a bee and no one even suspected he left.
One week later
Naruto was passing wave and saw Zabuza's sword, it was starting to rust from being out in the rain and mist for so long without cleaning, Naruto sighed before he heard the infernal fox speak to him, "Naruto you should wield Zabuza's sword, it is very powerful and why if someone steals the sword from his grave, someone who doesn't deserve it? At least with you, you can protect it. Besides do you think Zabuza would want his sword to rust?" Naruto saw the logic as he had listened to an old blacksmith talk about how it was disgraceful to the owner of the sword to have it rust.
Naruto sighed as he heaved the heavy blade onto his shoulder before he grabbed Haku's mask and looked at it, there was clearly a storage seal on the inside of the mask and on the hilt, he opened both of them and was surprised at what he had found, in Haku's mask were many scrolls detailing many things the boy knew from, weapon scrolls,ice water and wind scrolls, taijutsu scrolls, mastering elemental manipulation scrolls for water, wind, and ice, and a note:
Naruto Uzumaki
I may have died in combat but please carry on Zabuza-Sama's legacy after he dies, mine as well if you can handle it,
Haku Yuki

Naruto cried a little bit when he read that but continued on to Zabuza's stuff, inside were taijutsu and Ninjutsu scrolls along with scrolls on Kubikiribōchō that had up to techniques Zabuza didn't even use, lastly there was a map and a note:
I know you will be the one to find this note please take care of my sword, and another thing, I wish for you to do something no member of the seven swordsman of the mist have ever done, i wish for you to wield the eighth sword of the mist, in fact it has your name written all over it, but please end the Kiri civil war after you have mastered every sword to its maximum potential, please fight on the side of those with bloodlines and that map will show you where to go to find the place of the eighth sword, good luck Gaki you're going to need it.
Zabuza The Demon of the Bloody Mist
P.S. Each sword is said to become its true form when an Uzumaki sacrifices something to it according to Legend.
P.P.S. My sword absorbs blood to regenerate broken pieces.
Naruto smiled Zabuza really did want him to take care of his sword an the ability was amazing, Naruto looked at the sword before running his hand across the blade cutting himself, the rust on the blade fell off and was replaced by shining metal, however blood was still on the blade.
Instantly the sword began glowing a blood red with black streaks across it, when it died down he had a good look at the sword, the main portion of the sword was Blood red, the only exceptions were the blade part of it and the circle were black along with the name Uzumaki carved into it.
Naruto picked up the sword and felt that it was rather light for how heavy it looked when Zabuza was wielding it, then he heard a distinctly female voice speak to him, "My my, I thought all the Uzumaki were gone, this is a most pleasant surprise wouldn't you say Naruto-Sama?" Naruto looked around looking for who spoke however he couldn't find anyone, "Oh poor dear I guess no one taught you about sentient swords? Well I'll have to fix that, my name is Kiriburēkā or Mist Breaker you can call me Kira." Naruto looked at the sword before him, "So Kira, could you tell me why you changed when I used my blood to repair you?" Kira thought for a few seconds.
"Each of the eight swords held by mist were created by an Uzumaki to be sentient swords however when they were stolen the swords went into a form that didn't allow us to be sentient as our creator made us for Uzumaki only, as such when an Uzumaki willingly gives something to one of the eight swords it changed into its true form, however when it is stolen it becomes something completely different, the only sword that has done this however is the sword known as Samehada, it was used against Uzumaki, it stole so much chakra that it became corrupted and changed into something completely different than it was meant to be. Tell me Naruto-Sama where are we going?" Asked the sword changing topics immediately, he only replied with, "To finish the final wills of some friends." Naruto started walking towards his next stop, Kiri, so they could retrieve what Naruto had deemed to be his birthright as he dawned Haku's mask and put Kira upon his shoulder he found a new purpose in life, his new goal was to accomplish the goals of his dead friends and he would make sure that nothing gets in the way of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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