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Hi! This one might be confusing.... and gross....

Monster, that's all they ever muttered as there violent hisses slammed across the creatures back throwing it against the dusty pavement below. Never have the demons who covered up there sinning grin once puzzled where or what this creature was? Blood oozed from the monsters wounds as it scurried away from its predecessors crawling into a dark tunnel below. "Why?" it bellowed, tears rolling down its face "what did I do?" Pounding came from above as hands made there way down to the creature. Sunlight seeped through the cracks reveling the "monster" a scared little girl was seen as she crawled deeper into the burrow the heavy top giving way and hiding her carefully under the rubble. Voices were heard outside of the earth blanket in which the girl hid. "Find her" the voices screeched like harpies looking for there next victim. Suddenly, the sound of moving ground ceased, a short figure stood above the demons, the sunlight reflected off the figures surface, giving a peak to all, of the figures wide, determined eyes, his face diseased with large warts, pus exploding like a volcano from most of the protrusions on what was supposed to be his face. Although his growths were horrifying, the most hideous feature was his smile, his smile rose across his face from ear to ear like a sock puppets mouth, his teeth were like a butterscotch candy color as they slowly rotted their way out of his jaws, floating with the currents of a waterfall of drool dripping down his mouth, falling against his rolls of fat. After a heartbeat of silence that felt like an eternity, a sound came from one of the demons in the crowd "who are you?" is all the muttered as fear gripped there body once again. Among the commotion the little girl had made her way out of the tunnel, only glancing back when she thought she was safe. The deformed man turned his eyes toward the angry mob "my people" he spoke in a deep voice, "I am here to kill you!" He cackled as noticed a hint of shock mixed in the faces of the fearful people. He flicked his hand behind him gesturing to something there and then pointed to the crowd. Men, started appearing from behind the killer, charging straight toward the villagers. In a flash, the men who were charging were suddenly on the ground, in front of the terrified group of people stood the lonely little girl "stop" she cried tears rolling from her eyes. The ugly mans face widened as what looked like surprise was viewed on it. "This girl has defeated, a large group of my finest men!" He muttered quietly so that only his ears could catch his voice. After a long silence again the man spoke loud enough for all to hear "why should I" he questioned "look what they have done to you" he pointed at the blood coming from the girls ear. "They have gone crazy! Turning on their own kind" he stated. The girl glanced at the cuts and scars covering her body and then back at the man, a gentle smile crossed the girls face as she spoke "but mom always liked humans, even though she came home everyday with worse cuts then this" she paused as pain gripped her chest "she always envied them and knew that they didn't mean anything when they" she stopped to scared to say more, trying steer away from the haunting truth "they are just scared of what they dont understand" she finally uttered. The man closed his eyes and carefully contemplated the situation and spoke after a genius idea popped in his head. "I will grant this wish" he spoke with the same haunting smile he had when he was about to claim lives. "But only if you become part of my group, you will listen to my every order" he spoke in an evil tone "you will be my personal slave." He cackled again as the girl nodded and walked silently toward the man. "Nice place" the man said as he looked around "I think I will stay awhile with my new pet" he turned and hobbled silently into the city. He took out a knife and swung it across the girls face "that's for hurting your friends" he grinned as blood seeped out the new wound. Leaving the girl to recover, he walked away muttering in her ear before he left. One word that made more tears pour from her eyes "monster" he muttered.

So this Idea just came to me from the word monster. The girl, if you don't understand, is in fact part human. The demons, in this case, are trying to kill the girl like they killed her mom.

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