Chapter 4 Save Nick.

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Well I guess you are think why and how do I still have Nick.

Well you see it started about four days after he was born and his mum die, Sue was her name. Sue asked me know matter what happened cannot keep my baby please Ruby don't let them take him to die please. So I promised her I would keep him know matter what happens, so that is just what I did I kept him it was hard because they find him one day and tried to take him.

Now what you must understand is for some reason I do not know why but the boss of the kidnappers liked me out of all of them I do not know why but he did, so these they were trying to take Nick the boss just happened to come in and find the betting me with where guns and he stopped them, well one of them chucked Nick and I had to run just to get him in time thank God I did but for some reason the boss said u could keep him.

Now I do not know what he is up to but I did not care as I have Nick for how long that I do not know but I will take every day as it comes and that is with Nick in my arms.

Sorry so short guys

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