When James and Lily bunk...Danger looms

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  "You won't back out Lil, will you?" "Would have last year... But this year that we know love... love of James and Lily... Never" "Poetic...Head Girl" "Mischievous Head Boy." "Aww..." "Bring the invisibility cloak and Marauder map." "A prankster is seldom unprepared... One each would suffice...I had better keep one cloak for the boys... Bring your map copy for emergencies...And don't tell anyone about it... Sirius may have a fit." "Its Sirius. You are right.""Night" "Night."

  "Morning Lily..Going to breakfast..." "Hmm.." "Let me escort you." "Oh stop fooling.." "Lovebirding Prongs?" "Na Moony... Going to breakfast.." "Oooo" "She went...Lemme go." "James n Lily sitting" "Under a mistle n kissie" "James too instinctive right?" "Ya" "Wormtail went to breakfast?" "Hmm.. Come now. I am hungry" "Stay...I want to tell you about WormTail" "Huh?? Why not Prongs.." "Because he has got lots on his plate now.... and it is still a theory..." "Hmmm" "Wormy has shifted to the.....Dark Side." "What?" Lupin taking the map,"I Solemnly Swear I am Up To No Good." "Hey Wormy is not at breakfast! Where is he!" "Here...The Slytherin Common Room... With Snape, Mulciber, Avery...." "Did he take his map...Here...Lets stalk...Take the cloak." "But..." "This is the time we act.. The Slytherins are trouble... James needs only one cloak not both... WormTail is fratenizing with DeathEater's children and worst SNAPE! And You Say BUT" "Calm down... I am coming..." 

   "They are coming out." "But haven't classes started?" "Follow...." "They are using one of the hidden tunnels... The Shortcut which takes you quickest To Leaky Cauldron" "And James and Lily? " "The longest route.." "All of them gone.. I think something bad is gonna happen" "What?" "I saw Regulus going too... What if they are going to join a DeathEater meeting..." "Why would they?" "BECAUSE this... Parchment... Reguls' handwriting "MALFOY MANOR" "FLIP" "Death Eater Initiation 8.30 It reads today's date " "And it is nearing 8.30... Only Voldemort initiates" "We have to stop James..." "Its too late...They left at 8.15...Long way and all..." "We have to tell Professer Dumbledore..James and Lily are in mortal peril" "Mischief Managed" "Run" "Password.." "I am a prefect Sirius.. Hurry." "Where my child?" 

   "Professer Dumbledore!" "Indeed I am ... You want to say something" "Your office?""Of course my boy... A safer place to reveal secrets I believe"

  "What is it?" "This" "Death Eater Initiation 8.30 Today's date..." "A large number of Slytherins of sixth and seventh years and Pettigrew left for Hogsmeade a few minutes ago and.." "And?" "James and Lily have gone to Hogsmeade for some reasons and are unaware of this uhh development." "Young Love... Thank you for telling us the truth all of it... We will do all we can to save James and Lily...I suggest you visit Nurse Pomfrey to get yourself a recovery from this shock.." "Yes Professer."

  "This is going to be difficult for the staff.. Come on Fawkes."

If The Potter family had lived....Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon