chapter 1.

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"Ashley look at me"
"Just go,Calum. Please." I started crying.
"But I love you Ashley" he started yelling at me.
"Just go please, I can't do this anymore. I can't be-"

"Ashley, wake up" I heard my mother's voice. I opened my eyes still unaware of what was happening.
"'morning" I said very weakly. I felt so tired and i could feel my whole body aching.

I can't do this anymore. This can't be happening. Every night I would see him in my dreams and waking up to reality was painful.

I don't know if I miss him. I mean, I miss all the memories we had together. He was so sweet and he would make me smile all the time.
But whatever, he is not here right now and he has probably forgotten about me.

"Ashley, you know what? I was thinking maybe we could go to the mall today. You have to buy a new dress for your brother's wedding" my mom started rambling again.

"Mom, I don't really care about his wedding. I will probably show up with my sport leggings"

"Ashley shut up, your brother is getting married, show some excitement!"

"This is the most excited I can be" I said and then went straight to the kitchen to eat.


It's 5:00pm now and I'm stuck at the mall, trying lame dresses on for that stupid wedding. I don't like dresses, I don't like the way they look on me, I don't like the fact that I don't feel comfortable wearing dresses.
However, I found a stupid one, which by the way, I frankly hated but my mom liked it so if buying that dress would make her shut up, I was totally fine with it.

The thing is, I kinda liked weddings and I was really happy for my brother, I just didn't like the girl he was getting married to. Neither her brother.


Hello friends.
I know this is really short and not that good but it's gonna get better I promise.
Let me know if I've made any grammar mistakes.
Thanks for reading.
You are the best and i hope you are having a lovely day
Byee X

I'm Sorry // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now