Animal I Have Become [PreciousMetalShipping]

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He bit down on his struggling victim's neck, with a hand over their mouth to keep them from screaming or attracting attention. His fangs pierced their skin, which allowed him to suck out their warm blood. He enjoyed the taste and the feeling of it trickling down his throat, but however...he hating killing people just to feed himself. Scratch that; he just hated killing. He never asked to be like this; he just wishes to be a normal human being, not a blood sucking monster. But he had to kill to survive, and he couldn't just take a little and leave, or else his prey would run and get the hunters, and kill him the most painful way possible.

He felt his prey go limp in his arms, and once he made sure he was finished, he dropped the body. Now comes the hardest part; finding a place to hide the body. He can't just leave it out here; that's a dead give away that he was there. Just as obvious as painting, "Vampire was here," on the wall in blood. 

After wiping the blood off his face with the sleeve of his cloak, he grabbed the dead body by the leg and dragged it further down the alley. Maybe he'll just throw it in a trash bag and put it in this dumpster. That'll do for now... He opened the dumpster, cringing at the smell of it, and opened one of the larger bags. He stuffed the body inside, not caring if they were comfortable. Closing the bag, he quickly and quietly shut the dumpster. 

Now glad that was over with, he left the alley, trying to look as alive as possible. He took his cloak off, which was only there to hide his usual clothing and his hair. His bright red hair wouldn't exactly be easy to hide. His black jacket still made him look pale, but whatever, he was still pale as a ghost when he was alive anyways. He continued to wear the black gloves one of his old close friends made for him. Too bad he can't see any of his old friends, considering they all think he was murdered years ago. Well, he could, but they'd probably freak out if someone who was killed just showed up at their door and said, "Hey! I'm not completely dead! Let's be friends again!" 

His throat was still dry, and he craved more. Just one more person? He growled mentally. 'What are you thinking, two people in one night? That's crazy!' The redhead always tried to keep his diet down to one person a night, no matter how thirsty he got. He could drink and eat normal food, but it had no flavor to him and wasn't filling at all.

Silver eyes looked around, scanning each individual, seeing who would be his next victim.

Meanwhile, a very much alive teen was wandering the streets alone at night. Did he care if he was in possible danger? Of course not. He was part of a group of hunters, who fought and killed monsters. Because of that, he thought he was strong and shouldn't be scared of them. The thing is, he's never actually fought a monster.

People always warned him about how he shouldn't be so carefree, and that he's going to get himself killed that way, but did he ever listen to them? Well duh, no he didn't. I just said he's carefree; as in he doesn't give a damn. Our little vampire could pop up right in front of him and he wouldn't give a damn.

He was heading home, after visiting his mothers house (who of course worried about him leaving the house at such a late hour). Nothing to defend himself with, of course... This just had to be the one night that someone was watching him, ready to strike soon. 

Once he got home and inside, he locked the door behind him. Otherwise he'd get quite the talking to from his mother. Throwing his bag down on his couch, he started heading upstairs.

He switched on the lights, and revealed the vampire standing in his room, waiting for him. The black haired boy looked him up and down, not looking the least bit afraid. The redhead raised an eyebrow, expecting a reaction. 

"What? Aren't you scared?" He hissed. 

"Me? Scared? Don't you know who I am?" 

"Don't know, don't care." 

Animal I Have Become [PreciousMetalShipping]Where stories live. Discover now