Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Vanessa Pottoff. I'm 17 years old. I am Sam Pottoff's twin. But we don't look alike. He has red cheeks and I have well peach. He has hazel eyes and I have blue/green. I'm 5'5 and he's 5'11. He posts funny videos on YouTube with his friends and I post hair/make up/clothing videos. He has like 5000 friends and I only have 2 Trevor (from O2L) and my best friend Isa. Who is dating J.C Caylen. But yeah and he's a minute earlier than me also we have different birthdays. How you say? Well he was born at 11:59 p.m and I was born at 12:00 a.m. So thats pretty much it.

✌Chapter 1✌

Vanessa's pov

"VANESSA!! SAM!!' I hear my parents yell

"COMING!" I yelled back while I go down stairs

"What's up mom?" Sam asked as I met them at the family room

"Well me and your father are going all around the world for the whole summer and will be back at the end of the summer" my mom said "and we are leaving tomorrow but we want you guys to have friends to stay with you guys so you don't have to be alone. But no parties" she added

"Can I have my O2L friends come?" Sam asked

"Sure but remember no parties" my mom said

"So what time do you leave?" I asked

"We leave at 5:00 a.m" my dad said

"Okay" me and Sam say in a unison

"Ok well we better get rest because we have a morning flight" my mom said

"Ok mom goodnight" me and Sam said in unison again

"Goodnight my little youtubers" my mom said

"Is it just me or is it weird mom calls us her little youtubers?" I asked

"It's not you. It's weird. But we love our mom so we don't care right?" Sam said and asked

"Yeah" I said

"Well I'm going to call Trevor, Connor, Kian, J.C, and Ricky" he said

"Well I'm going to call Isa. I'm pretty sure she's going to be happy that J.C is coming" I said as I walk upstairs to my room and call Isa.

I=Isa V=Vanessa

*phone conversation*

V: hey


V:I was going to ask you something

I: anything

V: can you come to my house tomorrow?

I: um sure why?

V: Um because my mom and dad are leaving tomorrow and my brothers friends are coming over


V: okay 1st things first OW second yes. yes he is

I: I'm coming tomorrow

V: okay well I got to go byee

I: byee

*end of conversation*

Okay I am going to go to sleep. I go to my bed untuck my covers and wrapped myself up.

*Vanessa's Dream*

I was walking in the middle of the woods and I hear some crunching noises. I check if it was me. But it wasn't. I looked around and I see a guy in a mask in a black jacket, black pants, and black working shoes. He comes closer to me and points a knife close to my neck.

"Scream for help and I kill you" he said in a deep voice "but for now You're going to put on a little show for me" he added as he ripped my clothes off with the knife


Sam's pov

I just got off the phone with Trevor's mom and she let him come! Also all my other friends from O2L are coming.

I heard a scream coming from Vanessa's room. Oh no is she having bad dreams again? I ran to her room and I see her crying in her sleep. I shook Vanessa to wake up.

"Vanessa wake up Vanessa wake up" I said as she opened her eyes fast and hugged me fast with tears in her eyes

"Was it another bad dream?" I asked as she nodded

"Do you want to sleep with me in my room?" I asked again and she nodded

I carried her to my room and open the covers. I wrapped my arms around her to know that I will keep her safe. And if you ask me and her have this brother and sister love. We had never fought. We would always hug and say I love you to each other when we're there for each other.

"I love you Sam" I hear Vanessa mumbled

"I love you too" I said

As I closed my eyes


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Possible (niall horan fanfiction)

They don't know......about us (Luke brooks fanfiction)



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