Chapter 13

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You're lying I can see it in your eyes.

"Does it matter." I hissed.

Very. Just because you haven't lived by laws does not mean there is any.

"I don't care. Sensei told me that the Arashikage are in my hands, literally."
"Will someone tell the girl Storm Shadow is not even part of the clan." Tunnel Rat said.
"Yes he is! He gave me the marking of the the Arashikage clan!" I yelled rubbing at my arm.

You are to young. That is very painful. May I see it.

"No. It... it didn't hurt at all." I kept rubbing my arm and scratching.

Let me see. Without proper care it will get infected.

"I said NO!"

He reached for his sword slashing my sleeve. I gasped trying to hide my arm but I couldn't. My right arm was cuffed.

He tried to get a better view but I kicked him back with my 2 feet. He stumbled back.

Hold her down.

"Wait no. What are you doing? GET AWAY!"

The doors to the truck opened.

"Step away from Katana."
"Tommy!" I yelled.
"Please don't shoot. Am on your side."

They all looked confused. Snake Eyes was the first to put his sword away. The others lowered there weapon.

"I know I don't deserve your trust but please let me explain. Katana is everything I got."
"She is not your daughter." Duke interrupted.
"I don't care! I saved her from."
"From what?" Roadblock looked threw the rear mirror.
"Her fate. She carried valuable information that everyone wanted. When I gave it accidentally to Cobra as a gift in return I got to keep the girl. She was what I needed but, Cobra had seen how fast she learned. Mind bender that idiot decided to run some tests on her. I couldn't save her from Cobra, am trying my best. I copied the information to a card that she has."
"Where is it." Scarlett said.
"In her arm." Tommy responded.

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