Chapter One : sweet sixteen

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Hello my name is Agnes Alden and i'm a witch. I just turned 16 at the beginning of the semester, as i was looking for my new school that i would apply to a different school found me! I grew up in London with my parents Penelope and Oscar I don't remember much about them as they were murdered when i was 4 all i do remember is that they were great people that everyone loved. The location of my grandparents was unknown at least of those who are supposedly alive, so i lived in a foster house for a long time. I always felt like no family wanted me or they did but after met me rejected me i got a lot of friends in the foster house but they all left me, they all found new families. When I turned 13 I kind of gave up on the fantasy of being a part of a family since i was getting older and no family wanted an older child like i was. But last year in the middle of semester my lost grandfather contacted so after a month i was already living at his house in Romania. 

Romania i know you didn't expect that, but it was awesome well not at the beginning let's just say all the time at the foster house being alone everyone leaving you trying to give you false hope is a bit damaging to a kids mind but that story is for another part. Today it is all about me at the end of the summer #getusedtoitthiswholebookwillbeaboutme :). After a while i calmed down I wasn't depressed anymore and I started to help around the house, the house was a simple wooden house that not many admire but it is my home and I love it. I started gardening since we have a garden in front of the house that needs to be taken care of daily, I fell in love with books there isn't much to do since we are in the middle of no where so filling time with reading is the best way and also i cook for me and Papa (my grandpa I've called him Papa since i came here)

So I say you have all the information you need for now and we continue on the day before 1st September my BIRTHDAY.

It was getting late as I was washing the few dishes that were dirty from the dinner we had with Papa. I heared him coming from the living room. (gasp) "tomorrow i start the National College Sfantul Sava, what if I don't like the new people or even the school Papa!" I said while scrubbing dishes squeaky clean. He looked at me with the you are over exaggerating look "you'll be fine honey, I've searched for the high school with the best education in the whole state and I've also spoken with the principle he seems very nice and they can't wait to meet you!".

"And I got you a little something" continued Papa.                                                                                                             "Papa! you shouldn't have" I said but I knew what it was every year he gives me the same gift and it is perfect! Papa opened the fridge and brought out a delicious looking cupcake with a pink cover and a candle. "Oh! Almost forgot this chest was outside the door but it says you shouldn't open it until you come to the academy, they probably mean the high school that you are going to tomorrow.

The part about the chest was a bit weird to me it had to be Papa but he just won't admit it, he doesn't like to take credits for things that he does. "good night dear see you in the morning and happy birthday" said Papa while slowly leaving the room.

When I finished the birthday sweet I also went to my small but cozy bedroom, I looked myself in the mirror and i saw that my nose was bleeding this problem started a few months ago I just took a tissue and wiped it off. I was thinking of checking the chest but in the end chose to actually wait to tomorrow.  So I went to my bed, closed my eyes and fell to sleep.

I saw an old lady in a pink rose coat and some bags seemed like she was just coming from a shop, it was raining but it was like it wasn't  bothering her even a bit, she crossed the road slowly like nothing mattered in the world while people were in a hurry with all kinds of colorful umbrellas. It all started to shook like it was an earthquake, blue winds started to circle around the surrounding but it was like nobody saw them, I could see blood coming from the lady's nose, when it all started to become blurry. I could hear a familiar voice calling me "sweat heart wake up it's an earthquake, Agnes! Agnes wake up, get out of the bed! I opened my eyes to see Papa above me it was still blurry as i could see quite some Papa's in a slower motion than normal. I touched my skin beneath my nose as i could feel liquid on it it was blood, blood seemed to have been poring from my nose in the night my whole pillow was also stained with blood.

I got out of the bed as the whole house was shaking I could see the same blue wind particles outside of the window twirling like a tornado around our house Papa grabbed my hand and took me to the basement. We could still feel the shaking of the house for the next five minutes but after that it started to calm down and in the end we could hear like a vehicle fell from the sky and crashed on our front yard we got up the stairs again and checked outside to see my school bus already waiting. I hurried and dressed up into appropriate school clothes.

I got into the empty bus and smiled for the driver, he seemed nice. He started driving and we were getting quite fast and he didn't stop the speed only increased. "Sir do we have to go so fast?" I asked politely but worried. He didn't answer as he was going even faster, the bus was jumping up and down I was waiting that it will just fall apart. He turned from the road and we started to drive on the grass. "sir?!" I asked again this time a bit louder, a mountain wall was starting to close in to us but the bus didn't seem to be stopping "SIR!?!" I screamed. The driver whispered something  and in seconds a tunnel just magically appeared in the mountain.

I started to gasp loudly from relief and from shock I didn't know what to do. "can you sir please tell me where are we going is this the way to the National College Sfantul Sava?" I asked re-seating a seat behind the driver from the back of the bus. He looked at me strangely "College Sava what now!?, we are on our way to New Orleans of course ". For a second I gave a big smile, but I changed my mood fast after that "wait Orlando? the one in the United States, how will you get there by a bus?" I said a bit annoyingly. He looked at me again making me doubt of what I said "you mean United States well we are already here and we will be in Orlando in about a minute". Yup his face was right I had a reason to doubt first the tunnel and now I got to a different continent in a matter of minutes!

We finally stopped as we were in the middle of New Orleans, nobody even noticed that we came from nowhere or perhaps it's just another magic trick. He parked the bus in the middle of a walking path as he said to follow him. I did what he asked for since I would have surely lost my self in this city. He took me through many streets it was very different than where I lived in Romania (first thing there were streets) We than stopped at street painting shop again didn't even question it I've seen enough weird things today.

The driver whispered something to the shop manager as the manager then looked directly at me and smiled as he was doing this for sometime now. He took us in a room at the back of the shop and pointed at a harbour painting. We closed in to the way the manager pointed, the driver closed to the painting and said "Artificium Transitus". The painting then opened like a door with nothing behind her if you would look from the side but if you looked from the front you cold see a cave passage way and on the end  of the tunnel a harbour just like the one on the painting! I was officially blown away! 

We entered and behind us the painting closed again as we were getting to the end of the tunnel the light from the sun blinded me for a second. What did I go in to I can feel this adventure is only beginning...

Hello Nut_12 here, Please let me know if you like the story the next part will be how she continues her journey to the academy, from then I will probably write short stories about her adventures there and her friends and sometimes longer stories l...

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Hello Nut_12 here, Please let me know if you like the story the next part will be how she continues her journey to the academy, from then I will probably write short stories about her adventures there and her friends and sometimes longer stories like this one that will be separated into 2 parts! So again let me know if you liked it by voting and write suggestions in the comments XD. This is the first time I'm doing something like that so don't judge too much Love Nut_12 #RawRawRavenclaw

Also with every story I will put a picture in the end that represents the story and a song that i listened to on replay the whole time i was writing the story it kind of gives the vibe of the story as well I think tell me in the comments if you like the idea. And I just made a Instagram account for more pictures that show how i imagined some things in the stories so go check that out as well.



Today's song:Agnes Obel: Riverside (same name as my main character!)

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