Police station

86 1 2

Long  Demi Pro

We drive to the police station in silents. Every so often I would glance back at her.
"Hey honey what's your name, and how old are you?" I ask trying to make conversation.
She looks up at me and clenches her tiger tighter. A single tear runs down her face but she's quick to wipe it away.
"Man-ndy. I'm five years o-old," she stutters avoiding my eyes.
I smile at her and park into the police station. I jump out and walk over to the back to get her out. I open the door to let her out but she doesn't move. I take her hands into mine and give them a weak squeeze.
"Hey baby girl it's ok. Nothing's going to hurt you. I wouldn't let anyone do that to you ok," I smile wiping away some tears.
She nods her head and lifts her arms. I kiss her head and carefully pick her up. We walk into the building and I place Mandy on the counter.
"Ahh Miss. Lovato what can I do for you," Officer Ben ask walking up to me.
He's really good friends with my mom.
"I like to file child abuse," I bluntly say.
He raises his eyebrows and steps to the side to see Mandy sitting in the counter. I turn around and glance at her. She's petting her tiger looking around at the building. She looks at me and gives me a weak wave. I wave back and giggle.
"Officer Ben you might want to look at this," the secretary says turning the screen around.
It was footage from a foster system. It was dated from 12 hours ago. A tall woman I'm guessing who's in charge throws a pillow at Mandy but hits a picture. It smashes on Mandy's head and glass is everywhere. We rewind a few tapes and they are all bad. How am someone do this to such a innocent girl.
"Oh Mandy come here baby," I coo walking over to her.
She wraps her arms and legs around me and puts her head on my shoulder. I sway her back and forth. Officer Ben walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"I got the paperwork Demi. Go to the hospital ok. It's alright I won't charge you too.

Demi picked me up and left the office and walked back over to the car. She put me in the back and got into the drivers seat. We drove in silents the whole way. We finally got there. It was a big building with shadows lingering everywhere. Demi came around the back and opened the door.
"Are you sending me back there?" I ask terrified of what she would say.
I started shaking violently and I couldn't breath the right way and it was getting bad.
"Mandy baby listen to mommies voice. Match my breathing honey in out ok," Demi whispers putting me on her hip.
I follow her direction and feel better. We walk into the building. I whimper into Demi's chest. I don't want to be here. Demi sways me back and forth drawing shape on my back. We walk into the building and up to a desk.
Demi talks to the person and she gets up.
"Hey baby listen. There's going to be nice people that are going to put you on a nice bed ok. Than your going for a little sleep," Demi says.

I mention sleep thinking that would be a good idea. Wrong. She starts screaming thrashing around hitting my arm full on sobbing.
"No! Don't make me go to sleep! Don't please," she screams hitting my arm.
I grab her hand that has dried blood on it and grip it tightly. She stops hitting me and stares at me. I pry her fingers apart and place my hand in hers.
"Mandy these people are going to help you ok. Trust me when I say that, I promise you," I say looking into her eyes.
She shakes her head no but doesn't say anything. I hand her over to the doctor and walk over to the waiting room and sit on the couch. I pull out my phone and call mamma.
(Demi- hey mamma-hey)

D- hey mamma
M- hey baby girl what's going on?
D- so here's the thing. I adopted a girl named Mandy who's five years old
M- aww honey that's wonderful. Everyone saw it coming.
D- aww thanks mamma. Hey I got to go but will talk later. Tell everyone I said hi
M- ok baby girl. Bye bye

"Miss lovato?" Someone asks.
I get up from my chair and walk over to the nurse.
"Is she going to be ok?" I ask
The nurse explains to me that her body is 78% filled with glass. They had to take them all out so she has a lot of scars. She has a few broken bones and slit concussion. I thank her and walk into Mandy's room. She's in the bed covered with blankets holding her tiger. Anytime someone comes toward her she would whimper in fear. My heart shatters into a million pieces. I push that aside and walk over to her with a smile on my face.

Demi walks over to me with a smile on her face. Great she's probably going to send me back. She sits on the side of the bed and tucks some hair behind my face. That revivals a scar running down the side of my face. I got it the first night at the foster place. I couldn't go to sleep so Miss. Amber hit me with a glass bottle.
"Hey Mandy would you like it if I take care of you?" Demi asked.
Was she for real. Like the Demi Lovato look after me. As in me. My mouth hug open for a few seconds before the biggest smile of all times. I jump into Demi's arms and hug her tightly. She hugs me back kissing the top of my head. Maybe this is the start of something good for once?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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