Based off of the following prompts:

1) "You can speak German?" "Only on Wednesdays."

2) "We need to get to the hospital." "Why?" "Brandon decided not to wear shoes."

The introduction of the story might be a little confusing so hopefully this explanation will help a bit. Basically, it's like I control the characters world and can send in new characters.



Elliot is the complete opposite of Ethan personality wise. He is outgoing, energetic and would love nothing more than to run all over the world any chance he got. Ethan would love nothing more than staying home and listening to music or watching Netflix. Maybe that's why they can't stay away from each other. They are like each other's life support and they're afraid that if they aren't within the same proximity their machines will fail. I suppose this is how love ideally is. When you both adore each other so much you only want what's best for them and to never leave their side. That's love. However, to have this kind of love you sort of need to tell the other person about your feelings for them. That, my dear reader, is where this story comes to a problem of sorts. Both of these dorks haven't told each other that they have feelings for them. That's why I figured it was time for a change. I sent my best character for the job. Brandon. You see reader, Brandon is a highly intelligent, stealthy, well experience-

"Yoooo, who you talking bout?"

Oh. Hello, Brandon. I was just telling our dear reader about Ethan and Ellio-

"Oh yeah! I remember those dweebs. They wouldn't be in love if it weren't for little ol me you know."

That's not true at all. As I was saying Brandon is-

"Good looking, charming, strong, the best around? Oh do go on Author!"

Forget it. It all started when Ethan met Elliot.


"Hey! Ethan!"

Collin yelled as he ran towards Ethan with someone trailing behind him.

"I want you to meet my older brother, Elliot. You two are so similar! I think you'll get along great." Collin beamed at him proudly.

The stranger behind Collin stepped forward and offered me his hand.

"Hi there! I'm Elliot, Collin's brother. I take it you're Ethan?," He said as Ethan shook his hand gently.

He simply nodded in reply. He didn't like to talk very often to most people. He didn't mean to come off as rude, but his shyness usually got mistaken for so anyway. Elliot examined Ethan trying to decide what to make of the boy. The first thing he noticed about him when he ran over was his magnificent eyes.

"You have very, very blue eyes," Elliot said without thinking.

Ethan giggled and nodded at the strange compliment. Elliot briefly looked horrified.

"I-I didn't mean to say- Well, I mean I did. Actually I meant to say you have nice eyes! No wait that doesn't sound right either, I uh-"

"It's fine, really, you don't have to apologize to me for the compliments. I'm not offended in the slightest." Ethan cut Elliot off, smiling. The blue haired boy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, I don't exactly have filter when I'm around pretty people." Elliot said flirtatiously. Ethan blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Uh," Collin coughed awkwardly, "I think I'm going to leave you two alone. Call me if you need anything. And by the looks of how this is going that offer also includes condoms."

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