Chapter 5

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I woke up and felt a heavy weight on my chest. The memories from last night flashing back. How am I supposed to go home when Blair is still there. I have to get up.

I sat up and put Jake's arm on the bed. He stirred but thankfully didn't wake up.

I grabbed my phone from in my purse and texted Beyanka.

Can u plz come pick me up?-Candy

Almost instantly...

Yeah sure. What's wrong?-Beyanka

Nothing. Just want to go home.-Candy

The ride home was silent. I didn't want to talk about last night and Beyanka didn't push it. I really don't understand why Blair doesn't want me hanging out with Beyanka. She is such a nice person.

We arrived back at Blair's house and I silently got out of the car. I looked at Beyanka. "Good luck" were her last words before she drove off and I understand why she was saying it.

I am going to have to face the wrath of Blair and my mum.

I walked inside and the house seemed quiet...a little too quiet.

I walked around the whole house looking for anybody but there was nobody.

Just when I was about to give up I got a text from an anonymous number.

If you want your mum back you will stay away from Jake-B

B? Who could B be? Then it dawned on me. B. Blair. It must be a coincidence that Blair starts with a B. But why would Blair do this?

I sent a text to Beyanka:


On my way with Jake-Beyanka

It felt like hours before Jake and Beyanka got here.

I didn't say a word to them all I did was give them my phone.

Jake threw the phone on Blair's bed and started  pacing around the room.

"I knew it was a bad idea to become friends with Candy. We are just putting her in danger." Jake started.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What does he mean by that.

"What do you mean? How are you putting me in danger?" I can't take it. They need to tell me what is going on.

"Candy, Jake and I, we are in a gang and we have put you in danger by being friends with you. We have a rival gang who would do anything to hurt us. Even if it means hurting the ones we love." Beyanka explained.

"But you don't love my mum." I stated.

"No but we love you" Beyanka pointed at herself and then Jake who was still pacing my room.

Jake walked up to me and cupped my face.

"Candy, you need to come stay with us until we get your mum back so that we know you are safe." I didn't realise how close Jake face actually was to mine. I started feeling nervous.

"How are we going to get my mother back and why did Blair take her in the first place? It's because you fought him and got him mad isn't it? All this is your fault if I had never met you this would never have happened." I screamed at Jake. I know I am over reacting but my mind is clouded with anger and I can't think straight.

"You would have gotten into this mess either way because you are living with him. Don't you get it your not safe."Jake argued.

Maybe he really does care about me and wants to keep me safe. But how do I know I can trust him.

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