In Memory of Anton

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Anton Yelchin 1989-2016

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Anton Yelchin

The picture above is the last picture that actor Anton Yelchin took before his passing. I selected Anton to be the actor in my motion FanFic because he was incredibly talented . ***SPOILER***I knew that in this one-off fanfic that i was going to kill Henry. i knew this for about two weeks when i entered the #HappensNext #Contest that Henry would go. I held off writing the scene on June 18 2016, i was too busy avoiding my Wattpad responsibilities. I was occupied the entire week and even that Saturday, but i promised my self on Sunday, i would complete the entire fanfic. That sunday was June 19th, 2016, the day actor Anton Yelchin died. 

After his death, there was an outpouring of grief online, from celebrities, fans and bloggers. The main consensus about Anton was his work ethic. He put 100 percent in every project, he gave in to his creativity and allowed it to blossom into art. In his short life he told me one thing, I WAS SLACKING!

I put all my energy into completeing the story, but i didn't want to just throw anything together. I wanted Henry's last scene, IE Anton's last scene in this story, to be beautiful. In the end the fanfic was more about Henry, an OC, and not Shane, the main character.

I, like most, admire Anton's work casually from afar, but i am glad that i was exposed to his talents. JJ Abrams said it best,  "You were kind. You were funny as hell, and supremely talented. And you weren't here nearly long enough. Missing you..."

I ran across "Back To Front" by UK Artist Eliza Doolittle in 2012, during that time i was 22 and I realized my mortality in a way i never did before. There wasn't a triggering event for this epiphany, i just knew. I wondered about faith, religion, and the after life. Strangely this song made me feel like there had to be something after this. I dedicate this fanfic to Anton and his spirit. #NoMoreSlacking.


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