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Rina Steele woke up from a loud ringing playing in her ears. Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched out her body, letting out a tiny squeak with a yawn. She looked to her right at the white wall and saw a panel glowing green. She pressed it and it slid open, revealing a small camera with a screen showing a man with black hair and blue eyes, his jaw held a long scar.

"Good morning, Rina. How are you? I heard your last mission was a success, but then again, when are they not." Chief Striker said.

Eli Striker was his great grandfather. The agency was passed down by generations, but only if they were worthy of it. They'd have to go through a series of tests and challenges in which they'd have to perfect to be able to become chief of the agency. There has never been a chief that wasn't a Striker.

"Good morning, Alex. Yes, the mission was a success. Is there a reason a reason you are waking me up at..." She turned to a clock. "...5:30 am? Not to be rude or anything, just that I want to chop your balls off right now since I'm thoroughly exhausted." Alex chuckled and Rina watched as his shoulders shook, not finding any amusement in the situation.

"You are lucky you are like a daughter to me, Rina, otherwise I wouldn't tolerate such disrespect." He shook his head before sitting up straight. "Rina I'd like to have a meeting with you at 10:00am. It's very important that you make this. On. Time. And try to be prepared for any kind of... hassle." Rina narrowed her eyes.

"What kind of hassle?" She asked.

"Well, the Head of Congress, the Chief Director of the FBI and head of Homeland Security will be doing their annual visit and I'd like to have them speak with you. They're the ones who fund the program and I'd like to stay on their good side. Presenting them with you would show the incredible accomplishments made by the agency." Alex tapped his fingers impatiently as Rina stared him down. "And I'd like to introduce you to your new partner..." He said under his breath.

"Who?" She asked sternly.

"You don't know him. I know for certain."

"Alex, I know everyone in this facility. The only person who I have no idea of is the Blank name." Alex shifts his eyes around. "Wait. Blank is my new partner?" Alex nods slightly making her release her breath. "Alright, see you at 10." Alex opens his mouth to say something else but she cuts him off and ends the call. With that, Rina throws herself under the covers once more and let's sleep take her.


The blaring once again startles Rina awake. She opens her eyes and steps out of bed, looking over at the clock and seeing the time as 9:30 am. She swipes at her eyes and stands before making her way to the bathroom.

Rina stood before the bathroom mirror, stripped bare, examining her reflection. Her pale skin was flawless, like porcelain. Her grey eyes shone back with animosity and rage hidden by her numbness. Her red hair was wild and fiery, splayed about on her head.

She stepped into the shower and washed herself off. After she was done=changed into a black tank top and cargo pants with combat boots. Her hair fell in a cascade of curls over her shoulders, reaching down to her waist.

Once she was ready, Rina looked to the clock and saw it was 9:55 am. With one last look in the mirror, she turned away and walked out her door and into the hallway.

She walked down the empty hall, following the impossibly confusing mental map before reaching a large double wooded door. She quickly pushed open the doors and walked in, quickly noticing 5 people.

Alex sat with a smile behind his desk holding up a clock that had just turned 10:00am. An old man with gray hair sat in a chair, turning his body to look at her. Another man, short and serious sat in the other chair. Finally, a man stood tall, dark and brooding against a wall with a younger man beside him staring at the opposite wall with a mask akin to hers.

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