Chapter 1 : Pilot

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Himawari Cafe

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Himawari Cafe

Pasaki: So is it good?

Audui: Oh yeah the cinnamon roll tastes delicious.

Pasaki: I still can't believe its your first time being here.

Audui: Well this cafe just opened a couple of weeks ago.

Pasaki: Yeah but everyone has already been here. This place is like the number one hangout.

Audui: Sorry... I guess I just didn't have the time to go.

Pasaki: You don't have to say your sorry... I get that you are still a bit-

Audui: Upset? Yeah I know.

Pasaki: He's a bastard he never deserved a girl like you anyways.

Audui: Whatever... I just wan't to forget about him.

Pasaki: What about when you see him in class?

Audui: I'll ignore him.

Pasaki: What if he comes up to talk to you?

Audui: I'll say I'm not interested in talking.

Pasaki: Are you sure your gonna be ok?

Audui: Yes!!! Im fine!!! I am totally fine!!!

Pasaki: I'm sorry I'm just that I'm going to collage I won't be able to protect you anymore.

Audui: I'll be ok... I'm really gonna miss you.

Pasaki: Same... but your still gonna be my best friend.

Audui: Ofcourse but once you get a girlfriend don't you forget about me.

Pasaki: Never I promise... Audui.

Audui: Yes Pasaki?

Pasaki: I... umm *Says nervously*

*Phone rings*

Audui: Wait sorry I have to take this.

*Goes outside of the cafe*

Audui: Can't believe you had the nerve to call me.

Yawaku: I know and I'm sorry just let me explain.

Audui: There is nothing to explain Yawaku.

Yawaku: Come on please give me a chance.

Audui: Go to hell.

*Hangs up the phone call*

Audui: *Sigh*

*Goes back inside the cafe*

Pasaki: Who was that?

Audui: Yawaku.

Pasaki: What did that bastard want?

Audui: For me to give him another chance.

Pasaki: Did you?

Audui: Ofcourse not.

Pasaki: Thats good.

Audui: So what did you wanted to tell me?

Pasaki: *Blushes* That... we should probably get going... yeah thats it.

Audui: Oh ok lets go.

*They leave the cafe and walk home*

The Sapuko House hold

Audui: Thanks for walking me home.

Pasaki: It's no problem.

Audui: Ok well wish me luck tommorrow.

Pasaki: Try not to die on the first day back.

Audui: I make no promises, school is literally hell.

Pasaki: Yeah your probably right.

Audui: *Punches Pasaki's arm*

Pasaki: *Laughs* Im kidding, you'll be fine and if anything happens you can call me.

Audui: Thank you *hugs Pasaki* you really are the best I could ever have.

Pasaki: Yup... Thats me.

Audui: *Goes inside her house*

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