Chapter 3: Ridni Taksana

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History Class

Mr. Damatuku: Alright class welcome back. Lets start of the class by turning to page 63 of your history book-

*Ridni Taksana enters the classroom*

*Ridni Taksana enters the classroom*

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Mr. Damatuku: Taksana-san, already coming late to class I see.

Ridni : Sorry sensei I overslept.

Mr. Damatuku: Thats what you say everytime you come late which is all the time. But I'll let it slide since its the first day.

Ridni: Thank you sensei.

*goes and sits down at her desk*

Mr. Damatuku: Now were was I... Oh yeah-

Mitsaku: *whispers* Sapuko-chan... Sapuko-chan wake up *pokes Audui*

Audui: *moans* what?

Mitsaki: Your already sleeping? The class just started *keeps poking Audui*

Audui: *Accidently shouts* Stop it!!!

Mr. Damatuku: Who is screaming in my classroom?!!!

*classroom is silent*

Ridni: Sorry sensei I just don't know when to shut up.

Mr. Damatuku: I can see that, but you can continue that screaming in detention after school. Now could I please teach my class?

Audui: *whispers to Ridni* Thanks I owe you one.

Ridni: Its no problem.

Lunch Time
On the School's rooftop

Casuki: Audui-chan!!! So did you think about it? Are you gonna do the play?

Audui: I don't know Casuki-san.

Casuki: Oh come on Audui-chan!!!

*Yawaku approaches Audui*

Yawaku: Audui can we please talk.

Audui: You know I meant it when I told you to go to hell right?

Yawaku: Audui please don't be like that.

Audui: like what? Mad? Or do you have amnesia and forgot exactly what you did.

Casuki: I'm just gonna leave you two alone.

Audui: No!!! He's the one that should be leaving, goodbye Yawaku.

Yawaku: Audui please-

Audui: leave!!!

*Yawaku leaves*

Audui: You now what Casuki? I will do the play.

Casuki: Yey this is gonna be so amazing!!

Audui: Umm maybe the play could be like a romance/mystery type of play.

Casuki: Yeah thats great so you will write the characters and the script and then we'll hold auditions.

Audui: Sounds great.

Casuki: I already talked to kocho sensei and he's cool with letting us do the play in the school theatre.

Audui: Ok I'll try to make and bring the script tommorrow.

*bell rings*

Casuki: We should go.

Audui: *nods*

Gym Class In The Taiikukan

Mr. Husimei: Ok class today were gonna take it easy.... And play some intense dodgeball!!!

Audui: So much for taking it easy.

Mr. Husimei: I can see the excitement in your eyes, now I'm gonna pick team captains.... Hmm Taksana-san vs. Netami-kun go ahead and pick who you want in your team.

Yawaku: Tsukawi.

Ridni: Jemiku.

Yawaku: Opakana.

Audui: *whispers to Ridni* Please Taksana-san pick me.

Ridni: Sapuko-chan.

*they finish picking their teams*

Mr. Husimei: Ok let the battle begin. *blows his whistle*

Audui: Thank you again Taksana-san.

Ridni: Is he like your exboyfriend or something?

Audui: No nothing like that its just... Its complicated. *throws dodgeball and eliminates a person*

Mr. Husimei: Your out buddy!!

Ridni: Oh I get it so you're.... *whispers* pregnant?

Audui: No ofcourse not thats not it either!!!

Ridni: I see no reason to avoid him, he's a cutie.

Audui: Well the reason is quite bad for me to avoid him.

Ridni: Wanna talk about it later? *keeps throwing dodgeballs*

Audui: I actually can't I have to head home so I can write a script for a play I'm producing. *gets hit by a dodgeball*

Mr. Husimei: Sapuko-san your out!!!

Ridni: Oh your making a play!! I always wanted to be in a play.

Audui: Yeah I just have to figure out the story's plot and the characters so we can hold auditions.

*bell rings*

Mr. Husimei: Ok Netami-kun's team wins, rematch tommorow.

*everyone leaves the Taiikukan*

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