16- Best Friends Forever

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This is a picture of Mason and you know what that means. Mason may or may not be coming up and shit is going to get lit. Continue reading and see when or if the drama happens. Oh by the way, listen to the video of Lily Rose singing and tell me what you think of her. I think she's amazing at singing and I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes the next big thing.

Chapter 16- Best Friends Forever

Asher's POV

I was sitting on the cliff that I always go to and the last time I came her, I was with Bella. My heart ached just thinking about her and I felt my throat burn. I felt something roll down my cheek and I realized that I was crying. I started to sob and a familiar voice called my name. I turned around and I saw the one girl that knows how to make me feel better. It was Jessica. She looked as beautiful as ever and the last time, I saw her was when we had sex. She left and never told me. I was heartbroken and she was the first girl that I fell in love with. She also took my virginity and I took hers. I stood up and I was still crying. She ran to me and hugged me. I held her tight and when I stopped hugging her, I kissed her. She pulled back and she wiped my tears away.

"Why are you crying?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"My heart was broken twice in a row." I said and she kissed me again.

"Who ever broke your heart is stupid because you are the most amazing person ever and I know that I broke your heart but that's not the point." She said.

"Why did you leave?" I asked, changing the subject and she sighed.

"I left because the art school that I wanted to go to my whole life accepted me and I didn't want to miss my opportunity." She said "You know how much I love to draw and how I would skip lunch to draw. I was never as popular as you and I never will be. I don't even know why you picked me out of all the girls in the school. I'm the last girl people go for."

"Just because other people can't see how amazing you are, doesn't mean that your not the one for me. I fell in love with you for a reason and I took your virginity for a reason. That reason was because I loved you and I still do. I know that your the one for me and we are gonna have kids together. We're also gonna have amazing sex together." I said and smiled. She hit my chest and I laughed. She pecked my lips and took my hand.

"Let's go to my place." She whispered in my ear and got in my car. I smirked and went to my car.

**Warning: skip this part if you don't like reading about sexual stuff😂**

We drove to her place and I parked my car. She ran to my door and yanked my out the car. I didn't even have time to close the door before she started kissing me. She smiled during the kiss and she put her hand on my abs. She took me inside and she yelled at her mom that she was going to her room. I said hi before Jessica dragged my upstairs and when I walked into her room, she closed the door and locked it. She came to me and started placing kisses all over me. She took off my shirt and she kissed me. I rolled her over and I pulled her shirt off. I kissed all over chest and I went to her neck. I got her sweet spot and she moaned. She grabbed Asher Jr. and started rubbing it. She took my pants off and started to lick my tip. I held her hair back and she started to suck. I moaned a couple times and she started to kiss my abs again. I took off her pants, underwear, and bra and she took off my boxers. She opened the drawer to her nightstand and pulled out a condom. I put the condom on and I looked at her.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she bit her lip.

"I want you so bad, Asher." She said and I started to kiss her again.

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