Newly Couple

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It's been 4 weeks since we started our relationship. It's going better than I excepted, even though we spend most of our dates on beaches and the city, but no matter where we are I still love her the same. Today our date is in a cafe, the cafe is design to be like a home feeling. The decorations are all pictures that are taken by citizens in Hawaii, window seats with two pillows provided, several sofas here and there, and book shelves fill with popular books read by many teens and adults. She holds my hand leading me up a staircase to a room where there was a window seat and a big sofa with a small table place on the side of the sofa. Tiffany sits down bouncing off a little and pats the surface of the sofa calling me to sit next to her. So I did. 

"This cafe gave my parents a very sweet memory."

"Why's that?"
"Because this place is not only a place where they had first met, but also the proposal place too. My mom worked here as a early teen and throughout her 20s. My dad was a part-time assistant for a business office. And every morning my dad would drop by here to order a Latte to go. But one day when my dad spotted my mom working at this cafe, since then, he decided to stay in the morning to drink his Latte and watch my mom work. My mom was pretty frightened about him because he sat at a seat near the window and simply stare at her not doing anything to avoid eyes looking at him. So my mom when she had to clean the tables works ten times faster so that he would staring at her in a creepy way."
"HAHA!! That's funny! Maybe I should do that to you sometime."
"No! I would run away and pretend I don't even know you!"

We both laugh loudly and she clears her throat to continue the story,

"So then one evening when the cafe was closed. My dad parked across the cafe to wait for my mom to come out and when he caught her out of the cafe, he walked up to her and asked her out. Of course as my mother who is very self-conscious of people she said no to him. Then after for days my dad thought why she rejected him, until his best friend Josh mentioned to him that he'd never even talked to her so why would she say yes? Then after, he kept trying to talk to her everyday even if he'd already asked that question he'd still ask. He kept finding topics to talk to her about. After a month of doing so, he'd ask her out again and with great pride my dad had in his mind, she still rejected him."
"Oh My God is your dad not romantic enough?"
"No, he was really romantic. He'd give her flowers every time he went to the cafe to see her."
"Then what happens? How did he eventually get her to go out with him?"
"So at the end, my dad had to make this dramatic scene of him about to "die". He asked the people that works at the cafe to help him with this along with a couple of his friends. And what they planned it out was amazing!"
"What did he do?"
"He asked his friends and the workers to take her to the beach across the street with her being blindfolded and when she arrives at the beach she entered into a dark tent and he turns on dangling candles acting as light bulbs hanging from a wire, and has a letter in each paper writing out 'Will You Go Out With Me And Be My Only One.' And she immediately said yes with tears coming out from her eyes! It was so lovely!"
"Awww that's so cute." 

She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder giggling away as she continues to think about her mom and dad's first date. I suddenly thought of things that I'd want to do if I asked her to marry me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but as a man like me having a girlfriend is a great responsibility and I want to show her that I really love her, more than anything in this world. But my heart somehow triggers me from thinking too far ahead. I don't know if it's cause I feel that something bad is coming up really soon, or that I'm overthinking about my love life. 

After our little enjoyment at the cafe, while holding hands down the street of Aloha my family shows up in front of us.

"Hey Jason and Tiffany!"

"Hey mom."
"Hi auntie!"

"Where you guys off to?"
"No where just walking around Maui like usual."
"Want to join us for dinner Tiffany?"
"Sure! I'd love to!"
"Jason meet me at Hawaiian Island Steak House at 5:30, don't be late."
"Alright mom, I won't."
She walks away with dad heading the opposite direction as we are. As we continue to walk in silence, I suddenly interrupt it by asking our future,

"Tiffany, have you ever thought about our future?"
"Our future? As in marriage?"
She pauses for a moment as we slowly stop our tracks. Tiffany takes a deep breath and shows a semi-smile towards me.

"I did a week ago. But I'd stop."
"Because...I'm afraid our relationship won't last very long."
"You're thinking the same thing?"
She sighs loudly and say, "Ya..I mean summer for the both of us is only 3 an half months. And I'm afraid that we will break right after summer ends."
"I understand. But what if I'm okay with LDR?" (LDR=Long Distance Relationship)

"Even so, we both are worried sick about each other finding someone better."
"I'll come back to Hawaii every holiday."
"But your parents wants to be with you."
"They can come with me."
We stop our conversation with an odd ending of mine. At the same time, we also look down on the concrete of the sidewalk half covered by sand. I take her tan hands and start the talk again,

"Tiffany, I promise you I won't ever leave you. Your the only girl that gave me a better reason to smile. A heart that more alive than playing soccer! You're my only true happiness and I don't think I could ever find someone as good as you anymore. In California, in my school, no body really likes me even though I'm popular. Like every celebrities, even though they're liked, they have a very sad living." 

 Small tears appear on the corner of her eyes she sniffs a little and shines her smiles to me again. I pull her arms towards my body and hug her around waist. 

"I promise I won't ever, ever hurt you. If I do, I'll have to work a hundred times harder then the first time I've got you. But your a gift from heavens, why would I ever do that? I'd be the most dumbest guy on this planet for losing a gift from god." 

"Haha...Haha" She laughs as she tries to wipe all her tears away before I could see them. But then I grab her hand gently and place it down while my other hand that is free wipes her tears with my thumb. 

"Trust me, Tiffany, I promise you I will only love you and love you more than myself and nobody else when our summer ends. Even the hot days and nights like this will end, our love, our memories, our times, and our hopes won't ever end." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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