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Octavia P. O. V

We entered the building that Lincoln and Vera tell me is called "Polis", I had been trying to be strong while passing all the grounders but now that I'm away from the crowds and all the yelling, I feel all of my fear creep back in.
"Lincoln", I whisper, he turns to me and stares into my eyes, I smile. "How far until we reach the commander ?", He takes my hand, and we continue walking,
"Not far, we just have to take an elevator to the top of the building", I find myself looking up, I remember from the outside the building was huge, about fifteen stories from what I could see. I feel my stomach drop, here we go.
There seem to be no grounders out side of the elevator, so we hop straight in and travel all the way to the top. I'm sure it's being operated manually from somewhere in the building, surely the ground wouldn't still have electricity all this time later, the cataclysm would've taken everything out. I decide to shake the thoughts away and focus on the plan. If this doesn't work, we could all be done for.
"Take me through the plan once more", I ask Lincoln, he nods.
"We've been through it like a hundred times", Vera says clearly slightly annoyed at my constant nagging.
"I know I just, we have to get it perfect", I tell her, she nods and quiets down ready to hear the plan again.
"We go into the throne room where the commander will be, now she'll be surrounded by grounder guards, not just guards, Warriors. They won't let anything happen to her so we have to be careful. We bargain with her for Clarke, we take Clarke in exchange for us staying off their land, if they don't go for it, we bargain with our supplies, it's not fantastic, but it'll do", I nod my head and look at Vera, she nods too and I let out a heavy sigh.
"Let's do this", I whisper under my breath, although they both hear me.
"We'll be okay, I promise", Lincoln tells me,
"I love you Octavia", I smile hugely at him and he smiles back, we take each other's hands and stand just in front of the door, ready for whatever is coming our way.
"I love you too", I whisper.
"Lincoln what if this is-", I get cut off from my sentence as the door to the elevator quickly flings open.



Bellamy and I walk hand in hand towards the dropship, being careful not to be seen. I rest my head on Bell's shoulder as we walk, I've needed this. We had been walking for like three hours, the sun was just beginning to rise, the colours of the sky were so beautiful at this time of the morning, I couldn't help myself from constantly stealing glances at the beautiful colours of the clearing, Bellamy soon noticed my attraction towards the sky.
"Beautiful isn't it ?", he asked me suddenly catching me a little off guard.
"Um what ?", I ask snapping from my gaze.
"The sky, it's beautiful", he repeats himself.
"Yeah, it is", I remove my head slightly from his shoulder, only to look at him in the eyes, I smile at him and he smiles back, with his free hand he pulls my face towards his and plants a small kiss on my lips, when we pull away I smile, then I rest my head back on his shoulder and we continue walking.
"You know", Bellamy starts, "The sky is really beautiful, but it's not as beautiful as you", my heart explodes, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
"Really ?", I say cheekily, "Well I think you might just be blinded by your undying love for me Blake", I tease.
"No, Mrs. Blake, you are beautiful", I smile at the name and the compliment.
"Mrs. Blake ? Are we married now ?", I ask through a laugh. He looks a little nervous and I feel his grip on my hand twitch a little.
"Not just yet", he says eventually, "But someday soon, when all of this is over, if you still want me, I'll be there on one knee", The hugest smile appears on my face, I just got promised a future with Bell, this is perfect.
"You really mean that ?", I ask him just to make sure it was truthful. He nods his head.
"Yeah, I do", and at that, I release our grips and kiss him straight on the lips, more passionately then ever before, my hands cupped his face and his hands move gently through my hair, this is the life I want. I want this, I want him, I want us. In the small breaks we take for breaths I manage to say the words;
"I love you", through small smiles, constantly hearing the three words back.
I never expected to fall in love with Bellamy Blake, I guess I wasn't supposed to either, but somehow we were brought together, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

hey guys, don't forget to vote, comment and follow❤️ My bellarke heart rlly liked how this chapter turned out💁🏼

don't forget to check out my new story "home" I just published the second chapter 😊

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