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Hello! I'm HomestuckChihiro, but I guess you can call me Ethan.

I'll be telling you how to cosplay as . . . um . . . I can't remember . . . Oh! Naminè! That's why I couldn't remember. . . .

Okay, the reason why I chose Naminè as my first tutorial is because she's quite simple. Even if you have next to no cosplay experience, you should be able to do this.

For her dress, it's a simple, pure white dress that should hang from shoulder straps and go about halfway down your thighs, and maybe add some lace to the bottom edge.

Her hair, if pulled behind her, would probably go about half way down her back, but she usually has it slung over her right shoulder. It's a light blond, and shouldn't be that hard of a wig to find.

Her eyes are a light blue. If you naturally have that eye color, you're fine. Now if your eye color isn't blue and you really want to take this cosplay far, get some light blue colored contact lenses.

Next, her shoes. Naminè wears some light blue sandals that have straps over the front of her foot and close to her ankles. They don't have to be exactly like that, but it'll make it feel a little more authentic. If you do have a pair of sandals but they aren't in the said color, paint them sky blue. Add some yellow flower pins to the front strap if you'd like.

Add some pink blush to your cheeks for the "rosy cheeks" look, and apply pink lipgloss to your lips.

If you want, line your eyes with grey and brown.

And finally, make sure you have a sketchbook and crayons. You shouldn't have much trouble finding these items, and if you want, add some adorable drawings of Sora, Roxas, Kairi, Riku, and Naminè. Aww.

Well, there ya go! I hope you enjoyed and try this out for yourself!

As a hint of what I plan to do next:


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