Oh Baby

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*Song above; Heathens by Twenty One Pilots

School was simply not an easy task for me. With waking up at the grueling time of 6:15 A.M. to attempt to look good for my student body, who in all reality don't care. There is also the fact that they pile a relentless amount of homework on teenagers who play sports and work to pay for upcoming college. I simply hated school.

Here I was on a Monday sitting in my first period Baby Development class holding a plastic baby girl that was officially my child for the next week. I have had a hand in raising my baby sister so essentially raising a plastic baby shouldn't be that awful. The baby won't pee or poop, it won't crawl away when I'm not looking, and I don't have to buy actual formula for it to drink.

The only problem was we had to "get married" to the boy the teacher thought was most compatible our personality. Of course as a little girl I dreamed of my perfect outside wedding and walking into the arms of the love of my life, but I never pictured my first marriage to be fake with a randomly chosen boy in my class. I scanned the boys in my class picking out the ones I believed I would get paired with, some were cute and others were just nice guys I enjoyed speaking to before class started. There was one boy in my class I prayed to the lord above I didn't get paired with and he goes by the name of Will.

The teacher picked up her reading classes with her frail fingers and began to read off the list and ignore the sighs of contempt or despair. I fiddled with my fingers keeping track of the boys that were left, including Will.

" Bella and Will, you to are officially fake joined in marriage." The teacher gently smiled at us even though I'm almost certain I was glaring at her.

I turned my head to the back of class where Will sat giving me a smirk. He sauntered over to my seat as the teacher dismissed us to speak of name and baby arrangements.

"My dear Bella bug, it seems we have fallen in love and you decided you loved my body so much, you wanted to have a kid with me."

"In your dreams William, let's just name our baby girl and talk about arrangements quick so you can get out of my hair," I huffed suddenly feeling grumpy.

Will touched his chest in a mocking way, "It seems you didn't enjoy our cuddling the other night my bug but ignore that, I want to name her stitch after my favorite Disney movie."

I almost coed at his child like smile but decided against it, "How about Arial so it's a actual name and it's my favorite princess?"

"Fabulous and I will just call her princess like the one she is," Will took the baby and tucked "her" into his chest.

I giggled slightly at how dramatic he was being over a plastic baby.

"So baby arrangements...? How about we switch every day after school to stay the night and school day with one of us then hand her off," I suggested.

Will had a glint in his sparkling eyes that screamed mischievous, "Or the baby and I could just sleep at your house because we both can't sleep without our mommy."

I immediately blushed but rapidly shook my head no, "Nope we will stick to my plan for the week."

Immediately after our plans were made Will took the baby off on his way while I departed on mine to get through the first half of my day. Finally at lunch I met my normal group that consisted of my brothers, their friends, and mine. Will sauntered up to the table with the baby in tow sitting beside me and slinging his arm around my shoulder and joining in the argument over Charlie believed the Cavs shouldn't have won the recent basketball game. I didn't attempt to take off his as for some odd reason it was comfortable and I was to engrossed in my ham sandwich. Payton eyed Will's arm suspiciously as I held up my phone to signal her to text me.

Pay Pay

What's up with you and W?

Bella <3

It's all an act for our baby development 'Marriage' You know he is dramatic and eccentric

Payton glanced at me and just shrugged meaning she agreed with my hypothesis. Finally lunch was over and my day carried on like average. At then end of the school day Will waited beside my car with our little princess waiting on my arrival.

"Hey baby can you take the baby for a few hours while I'm at work. I know it's my day so I will stop by around eight to pick her up?"

I just nodded my head, ignoring his words of endearment, as he quickly kissed my cheek, passing me Arial, and ran off to his car to speed to his work. My cheeks were suddenly the color of strawberries no doubt as boys didn't get that close to me often.

"Will princess I guess it's just you and me since your dad is such a charmer," I spoke to the plastic baby as if it was real.

Cruising up to my house with Twenty One Pilots Heathens playing I spotted my brothers with my sister going in to the house. Little princess began to cry right as I stepped in the doorway and Allie shot me a look of jealousy as another 'baby' was stealing my attention. Kissing her check I muttered "Awe my Allie you are the only baby, see it's only a dolly." She gingerly touched Arial's face as realization crossed her little chubby face.

Arial still continued to cry so I took her upstairs to rock her to sleep as the the manual said the try first. Hours later and multiple attempts of feeding, sleeping, burping, diaper changing, and even letting my mom and brother's attempt to make her silent, Arial continued to scream her plastic little lungs out. I was never more exhausted that having a fake baby cry for hours on end while doing homework and Will was a half an hour late. Suddenly a crash came from by my window and low and behold a evenly exhausted looking Will stood at my window.

"Baby bug I'm so sorry my boss had to speak with me but I.m here for princess now. Why is she crying on your bed unattended?" Will shot me a look of disapproval as if I hadn't been around a live baby before.

"She hasn't stopped since I got home and we have tried everything, make her stoopp," I groaned.

Will gingerly walked over to the baby picking her up and like a light switch, she stopped. Will just sent me a little grin and continued rocking the baby in his muscular arms.

"Hm guess my princess is a daddy's girl isn't that right darling?" Will coed to the plastic doll he held ever so dearly.

"Okay so I'm going to bed now if you would kindly jump out my window and leave," I ushered Will back to my window.

"No can do love bug, Princess and I can't sleep without you so I'm your roommate for the next week."

"no please don't Will. You saw me naked and slept with me in bed once, isn't that all you need?"

Will was already on my bed in his boxers answering, "Babygirl I'm in here for just this week, it's all an act."

A slight odd pang resonated through my chest as he stated it was all in act but I figured it was just cause I was tired. I just nodded laying on the bed with the baby putting distance in-between us. As I was dozing off Will's arm wrapped around the baby and I pulling as close as her kept his arm around us.

At that moment, I could almost picture having a family with the school's very own player.

Thank you all for the good reviews and pushing me to wrote!!! This chapter is for you guys even though it is very bad. Also if you read this please leave your rude comments to yourself, if you do not like my story simply just don't read it anymore. Love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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