So Much For Loosening Up

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"Fuck, dude," Erwin hiccupped, placing his chin in the palm of his hand. He seemed to be rather dependent on the counter in front of him; if it were not there, he would more than likely be lying on his face. "I don't get why Marco of all people got promoted. I deserved it. I worked my ass off."
"Searching through pornhub with your filthy shoes propped up on your desk does not count as working your ass off," I replied, taking a sip out of my hardly touched beer.
"Oh, come on, Levi. Loosen up! It's a Friday night, we finally get our weekend!" Hanji said, raising her shot glass up, clinging it against Petra's, whom was doing the same.
"I am plenty loose," I replied, staring at them blankly.
The three of them burst out in inappropriate laughter, mocking me.
"Plenty of loose! Bwah! That sounds so gay!"
They all sat around, clinging on to their stools for support. "I am gay."
Petra was the first to stop laughing, staring at me in confusion. "What? You're gay?"
"Come on now, Pet, Levi's not gay!" Erwin said, his words slurring into each other.
"Yes I am," I said, repeating myself.
"Eh? Why didn't you ever tell us?" Hanji said, slamming her shot glass down on the countertop.
"You never asked."
Erwin waved his hand, gaining the bartenders attention. "We need another round of shots," he said.
Then came the tray with four shot glasses; one for each of us. "I don't want one," I said.
"You're gonna take one. We came here for a good time."
I sighed, grabbing the shot glass and raising is slightly, a sarcastic smile across my face as if to say, 'you happy?'

Eight shots and three beers later and I have no clue what's going on.
"Guys! A strip club!" Erwin said, pointing to a building with flashy lights and a line longer than my entire house.
"That's a male strip club," Petra giggled, covering her mouth as she looked over at me.
I didn't know what to say. What does that mean? Why is she looking at me? Why am I laughing?
"Let's go there!" Hanji exclaimed, flailing her arms around as she ran.
"Good luck with that. I'm gonn' pass out," Erwin said, swaying where he stood.
Erwin has a hard time holding his liquor. Which is why he blew chunks; all over himself.
"Oh, shit!" Petra said, covering her nose. "Uh, taxi! Taxi!" She waved the ugly yellow car down, shoving Erwin into the backseat and giving the scandalous looking man his address. Oh, bad idea.
That was soon forgotten. How did I get all the way to the line? Why is my shirt half unbuttoned?
"Oh, come on! Just let us in!" Hanji was huffing, stomping her foot down aggressively.
"You're gonna have to get in line like everyone else, sweet cheeks."
I grabbed Hanji's shoulder, trying to pull her away. "No, Armin! I see Armin in there! Hey, buddy!"
A little blonde girl- no, boy, what the hell? turned around, beaming at Hanji. "Jean, let them in! Hanji is a good colleague of mine!"
The horse man, Jean, grumbled something before removing the velvet rope from the entryway, letting us pass.
Once inside, I was separated from everyone. Guys were grinding up on me, girls were leaving lipstick stains all over my neck, colored shots were being given to me left from right.
What is going on? Who is this guy dancing on me? Is this a private room? Whoa, is that my boner? I can't recall anything that has happened since I got here already. Wait, how long have I been here? Wow this guy is almost naked, what? Strip club? That's right, strip club. People do this at strip clubs.
He got off, giving me a little grin before exiting the room, then three seconds later poking his head back in through the purple curtain. "Ten minutes is up, sweetpea."
"Eh? Ten minutes?" I exclaimed, stumbling out of the room. "That was not ten minutes!"
It's not that I was arguing because I wanted more time, I was arguing because I don't even remember buying him for ten minutes. That was like, one minute.
"You can have me for the whole night, hot stuff," a boy, who looked a little too young to be here, said from a pink leather couch. "I'll even give you a discount."
His hair was messy, like somebody had been pulling it. His clothes were pretty trashy, too. White, skin tight jeans, a brown shirt that revealed his belly button, high top boots. His face was boyish, but now that I took a closer look, I could tell he was probably around 22. His eyes, though. His eyes are what struck me the most. They were a fucking nice color; like they were trying to reflect the ocean, but ended up being prettier.
"Plus," he said, running his thumb along his bottom lip. "I'm not just a tease dancer. I'm the real deal, baby."
A prostitute. Yep, there is a prostitute speaking to me, right here, in this bar. How many people has he been touched by today? When the hell was his last shower? Oh god, the diseases. So much for loosening up, dickweeds.
"Uh," I said, stumbling for words. "I don't, well you see, I have, I'm, looking, don't know."
Levi, what the absolute fuck. Tell the brat to get on with his life and stop being a fucking dweeb.
"I can't." Finally.
"Oh. Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I'm Eren."
"Uh...Levi." I should have given him an alias, fuck.
"Well, Levi. Maybe I'll see you around."
He stood up, placing his hands in his back pockets, swaying away. I can't say he's not attractive, and if he were anything other than a prostitute, I would take him home so fast. But no thanks, I'm good, no aids for me, please.
"Levi!" I heard Hanji and Petra say. "We've been looking everywhere for you!"
They looked down, and stared. Literally, why would you stare? Rather rude, I'd say.
"Not bad."
"You should fix that."
"Bathrooms over there."
Why am I walking towards the bathroom? Public masturbation is not my kind of jiff. I walked in, and blinked. It was bright as hell, and reminded me of a hospital. There were mirrors upon mirrors upon mirrors, and stalls, and then rooms similar to those for private dancing; why? What's in them?
I walked, or more of a stumbled, towards one of the rooms, poking my head through the curtain, only to be met with some guys huge, naked ass.
"Gah! Sorry!" I stumbled away, until my back met a wall.
People were coming in. One of them didn't sound too happy.
"Hey! Let me go!"
"Hey now, what's the fun in that? Come on, I'd be giving you a favor. You should be the one paying me."
"Get your hands off me!"
"Your shirt doesn't leave much room for imagination, now does it, princess?"
I poked my head around the corner. I didn't see much, just a guy who's pinned up another guy. Oh boy, what do I do, what do I do? Hide? I can't fight, and I can't be seen, either. I'll hide.
"Don't be like that, Eren, I just want some fun."
Never mind, not going to hide.
I peeked again in time to see the weird guy shoving his hand down Eren's pants. Eren's arms were pinned behind his back, and he was squirming around. He didn't look happy about this. But, isn't this his job?
"S-stop it!"
The guy chuckled, moving his hand down farther into his jeans.
"Didn't your mom ever tell you no means no?" I blurted out.
Well, I'm fucked. Maybe if I distract the guy, Eren will run away, leaving me to get the absolute shit beat out of me. I stepped away from the corner, staring at the guy blankly.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"A decent human being, unlike yourself."
The guy pushed himself away from Eren, walking towards me, now. "Well, didn't your mom ever tell you to mind your own business, pipsqueak?"
Pipsqueak? Did this motherfucker just call me pipsqueak? I looked over to Eren, who was staring wide eyed. Well, this kid is an idiot. He can't see a distraction if it punched him in the face.
Punch him in the face. I swung my arm back, then brought back around with full force until it met dickbags nose with a sickening crack. Blood instantly began to gush out, and he tackled me to the ground. He was inexperienced, that much is for sure. I wrapped my legs around his torso, flipping him around so I was on top, where I then began to repeatedly punch him in the face.
He stopped moving. I stopped punching. My head was spinning. I just beat the shit out of some dude for a guy I barely knew.
I got up, dusting of my pants, before looking up at Eren. "You okay?"
He nodded, running a hand through his messy hair. "Yeah. I'm..I'm fine."
I took a few steps towards him, then stopped. I didn't want to scare him; he was just like...attacked. But he didn't seem scared. God damn, he looked attractive as hell.
He could tell I was checking him out. I didn't really care. He's a prostitute, he gets checked out everyday.
The mood shifted when he started to check me out, though. "How much for a night?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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