Chapter Four

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Naoki neared their village, which was at the edge of the forest. He lowered his hand, letting Ria and Rian step on the solid ground. Rian ran towards the thick trees, laughing in pure joy. He was so happy to return back home, especially after being the one to find his sister. 

Ria looked up at Naoki, knowing what needed to be done. She raised her hand to her mouth, biting on her pinkie. Hard. Lightning striked down as she transformed into a Titan, the same height as Naoki. They walked away from the village, not wanting to make too much noise or cause damage to their only sense of protection. Those thick trees were their walls. No Titan could get into their village without getting trapped.

Ria smiled, and Naoki returned the crazy grin. They would have to destroy each other's Titan form, but they also had it count as practice. Everyone need a good fight, and they were both itching to rip each other apart.

Ever since they were young, they've been very competitive. Now that they both had this amazing power, it only fueled their rivalry. Who was the better Titan?

Ria made the first hit, punching him in the face. His head snapped back, but he looked at her with amazement at how strong she was. Naoki has secretly loved Ria his whole life, and now that they were soon to be married, he was overjoyed. He swung his leg, kicking Ria in the back of her knees. She fell to the ground, biting his ankle. Naoki used his other foot to stomp on her back, only causing her to bite harder. 

Naoki roared out in pain as Ria ripped his foot off, holding it in-between her teeth. Naoki stumbled, and Ria rolled away from him. She got up, sprinting towards him. Naoki tried to move, but failed as Ria tackled him to the ground. Ria straddled him down with her thighs, her hands holding him down.

Naoki had always dreamed of this happening, but not quite like this. Ria lowered her head to his neck, biting into his flesh. She ripped some away, and she saw a small figure. It was Naoki's body. She went to the other side, ripping away the rest of the flesh that covered his neck. Naoki smiled, flipping them over so he was straddling her instead.

Naoki lowered his head so they rested between her breasts. Ria growled, forcing his head up. She pointed at her neck, showing him where to bite. Naoki rolled his eyes, obeying her command. He ripped away her flesh, exposing her small figure as well. They both sat up, and Ria placed her hand on Naoki's neck. He did the same to her, and they grabbed each other's normal bodies between their thumb and index finger. They pulled gently, and the connection was suddenly lost between their Tiran forms.

Ria gasped for air as she was freed from her Titan body. She was still in Naoki's Titan hand, so she pulled herself out and jumped to the ground. She looked down at her tattered dress made out of burlap with a rope around her waist. She was barefoot, barely able to see her feet in the darkness. 

"Naoki!" Ria called out. She was suddenly lifted into the air, pressed against a tree. She winced at the rough wood scratching her bare back, looking down to see Naoki holding her up. She stared at his strong arms, then looked at his face. His eyes were taking in her appearance, and Ria was suddenly confused.

"Am I that ugly?" Ria asked. Naoki stared at her disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? You are the most beautiful, amazing girl," Naoki said, causing Ria to laugh.

"What, did you get that out of a book?" Ria asked, laughing. Ria has only ever seen her reflection once, and that was in the river. Of course, her face looked distorted, but only because of the water. It was true, though.

Ria was one of the most gorgeous girls in the tribe. Her dark hair was naturally curly, framing her round face. Her lips were full, and her eyes always sparkled with excitement and adventure. She was considered small, but she still had curves. Her skin was chocolate and smooth, and she drived men wild. Of course, Naoki was the one who had been lucky.

"Now, what were you doing on the Titan side?" Naoki asked seriously. "You could have been killed."

"I was just exploring and fell asleep. When I woke up, it was night and Rian had found me," Ria answered. Naoki lowered her, never looking away from her eyes. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers. Ria felt her heart start to beat faster, this feeling new to her.

"You had me so worried," Naoki whispered, sending shivers down Ria's spine.

"Well, I'm fine. I can take care of myself, y'know," Ria said, crossing her arms. Naoki smirked.

"Yeah, right," he muttered before kissing Ria slowly. Ria was frozen, for Naoki had never kissed her before. Ever. He pulled back, looking at her dazed expression. "What, is this your first kiss?" Naoki asked, slightly amused. Ria nodded her head, and Naoki laughed. 

"Looks like you'll have to teach me," Ria replied, challenging him. He leaned down again, but Ria put a finger to his lips. She heard something. Or, someone...

She pushed Naoki away as someone approached them.

"Ria, c'mon! Everyone wants to see you!" Rian said, grabbing her hand. "Where's Naoki?"

"Right here, little guy," Naoki answered, climbing out of the bushes Ria had pushed him in. He smiled at Rian, giving him a high five. "I heard you found your sister. Way to go!"

"Thanks!" Rian replied, cheerfully. They headed towards the thick trees, entering the village.


Levi laid his head down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. They returned to one of their base camps, meeting up with the rest of the Survey Corps. After his squad had arrived, Oluo had started running his mouth about the lady Titan they had encountered. Levi was annoyed at Oluo for telling everyone that Levi was almost killed by such a creature, especially since he had such a great reputation. 

Of course, Hanji had wanted to know every single detail.

"Levi! Levi!" Someone pounded on his door, sounding like they wanted to knock it down. "Levi, open up!"

"Go away, Hanji," Levi replied, covering his head with his pillow.

"Just tell me what it was like being in its mouth! Oh, please, please, please?"

"It was disgusting, now let me sleep."

"Is it true she did it to protect you?"

Levi huffed in annoyance, throwing the blanket off of his body. He opened his door to see Hanji standing at his door with a notepad and pen. He rubbed his eyes, letting the Titan lover walk into his room.

"That's what we think is the case. She's saved us before," Levi muttered, trying to keep his eyes open. "She also looks like those Titans that appeared a few years ago."

"The one's with darker skin?" Hanji asked, eyes wide. "We haven't seen them in forever! When did she start showing up?"

"This is the second time she has appeared."

"And she never attacked you guys?"

"No. Is this interview over?"

"Oh, can I go with you guys tomorrow? Please?" 


"Levi! This could be a scientific break through!" 

"I just want to sleep."

"So, is that a yes?"

"I don't care."

"So, I can come?"

"Goodnight," Levi muttered, pushing Hanji out into the hallway.

"I'm not hearing a no!" Hanji yelled as Levi slammed the door. He fell back into his bed, and heard the crazy person singing in a creepy voice.

"Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let the bedbugs bite!"

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