
432 8 0

Jai Brooks

You and a couple of friends decided to go do some shopping around LA. When you guys enter one store a group of loud and, to say the least, attractive boys catch all of you guys' attention. Your friends, much bolder than you, decide that the five of you should go talk to them. You are usually pretty quiet, inserting the occasional sarcastic remark. So when you all approach, you hang towards the back. Your friends flirt shamelessly, while you are stuck on just one of them, and he didn't seem very interested in the girls, which comes as a surprise to you.

"Oh my god, you guys are twins? That's so cool." One of them gawks and giggles. "Your accents are amazing." Your friends all nod in agreement. They've practically broken off into pairs, the girls knew who they wanted and so did the boys.

"So cool. Your accent is amaaaazing." You mock quietly and turn your attention to a rack of clothes. Your friends ignore this, 'Far to busy throwing themselves at strangers' you think to yourself. You don't see it but the boy, who originally showed total disinterest, laughed and slipped between the fraternizing group over to you.

"Uh, hey." The guys smile is slight but welcoming. "I'm Jai." You weren't sure what to say. It was frequent that guys embarrassed themselves trying to impress your friends, but rarely did they approach you.

"I'm [Y/N]." You offer a shy smile back. He looks like he's thinking of what to say.

"You hang out with them a lot?" His distaste for them was clear on his face. All you could do is shrug bashfully. "Maybe you wanna...hang out with me sometime...instead?" He looked down and back to you, placing his hand at the back of his neck awkwardly. You chuckled, not at him, but at the oddity of someone like him being nervous around you.

"Yeah I'd like that, a lot." You smile and proceed to trade numbers. "Just out of curiosity, uh, what made you wanna talk to me?" A blush rose in his face.

"You're the prettiest girl probably on this entire street and you don't even have to try." He informs you quietly. You try hard to suppress your smile. "Oh, uh, I'll call you." The two of you chuckle as he just notices the group he was with is on their way out the door. He just catches up to them at the door. You join your friends once again. They're still discussing their new male friends but you don't mind. You smile to yourself. Then you receive a text message: "I checked. You're definitely the prettiest. (:"

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