Chapter 1-1

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A huge mechanical steed galloped its way through a scorching desert, carrying a girl on top of it. The girl scanned the horizon for any signs of a city or an oasis, but her luck was running short on her.

"Blasted deserts...." She muttered.

She had been alone for years, one lustrum to be exact. Ever since she fled her country, she had been a bit of a "lone wolf" as people would call it. She simply saw it as beneficial to not only her but the surrounding nations, for fear of her nation imposing war on the others for her capture. She had but two friends, a boy her age named Milo, and her machines she built. She loved the sound of working metal and gears, and could only find some bit of comfort in the sounds of the night.

"Cmon, this city never escapes me the past times I've visited..." She mumbled as she scanned the horizon for the city.

Surely enough, after at least twenty more minutes of travel, the walls had emerged from the seemingly never-ending horizon. She rode in, and got off her steed, which turned into a small mechanical cricket, fitting in her bag. She walked around the marketplace, earning stares from the small children who had never seen her before.

She was an eighteen year old girl who was not particularly tall. Her short dark hair framed her face, which always met people with a cold stare from her cobalt blue eyes. She had a large cloak on, with armor on it. She also wore a belt with various weapons and potions inside, along with vials of poison. A gun holster was attached to the belt, and a pistol was inside, respectively. On her back she had the scabbard of her sword, which was sheathed inside. She wore a bandolier which held bullets for extra ammunition.

"Oh for the love of--" she said to herself as some kids ran away from her. "Am I really that terrifying? It's just a bunch of weapons."

She continued to walk until she found the right bazaar tent, she tugged away the fabric that made up the entrance and walked in, closing it behind her.

"I'm here, sorry I'm late. Federation found me and I had to brawl a little." She said.

"Ah! Keira! Welcome back dear, are you hurt?" A rather round lady said to her, her jewelry reflecting the small light sources in the tent.

"Just a couple scratches. I'm fine." Keira, the girl, said.

Keira sat on a large pillow on the floor, there were six people in hoods, and the portly woman sat in the center.

"Mesmeera? What exactly are we doing here..?" Keira asked.

The woman smiled at the young girl. "I know of your troubles, dear, and I'm willing to help you. So, I found this very secretive organization that's working to overthrow your country's government. Milo has informed me about it." She said.

Keira glanced at the hooded figures wearily and sighed.

"Right.... So... Let's start this meeting off."

Well hello there, uh... I know it's been a while. I've been extremely busy with school and I've just started to get back into writing. For this story, each chapter will come in with a maximum of four parts. I hope you enjoy this part of chapter 1, and I will do my best to get the next parts up.

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