2: Silicon People

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Seriously? This much pink was hurting my eyes.

I think her entire existence has only hurt me. I mean, there was soo much pink in it.

Her blouse was pink, her pearl necklace and bracelet was pink, her makeup was the shade of pink and her coat shoes were... well I'll give you two guesses.

Go figure.

Remember when I told you that my brother loved attention? Now this is his type of attention. He lives on the motto: 'Either all in or all out.'

Slowly standing up, I came face to face with none other than Cadence Hadley:
Aka my search party's head.
Aka Travon's girlfriend.
Aka my arch enemy.
Aka lucifer to my angels.
Aka broccoli to my spaghetti.

See the amounts of 'akas'? I could continue if you didn't catch the drift....

I bet twenty bucks, she was the captain of her high school cheerleading team. Even her name screams 'BLONDE HAIR, BLUE EYES, LONG, THIN ARMS WAVING POMPS POMPS AROUND'.

Me and her? Well, you can just say, we don't mix around in the same blender.

She's like water to my oil.

Whether it be that she'd mistaken me as the maid of the house when she came to our house for first time because apparently, if you're rich as fuck, it's fucking obligatory in the rule book of rich people, to wear a pencil skirt and floral design blouse with pearl necklace along with diamond earrings and 3 inch heels even when you're lounging in your own damn house.

One beautiful Sunday which was going just fine. Wretched me didn't know that I was going to meet the devil that day.

Anyway, I was sprawled out in front of TV, eating six different snacks and leeding herself inside, she immediately starting lecturing how I was disrespectful to my employer who gave my monthly wages (she meant my brother by that) by doing whatever I was doing when they were not around.

Then later she came to know I was actually the resident of the house and not an actually a maid like she'd assumed from my fashion sense.

She'd later apologized though I knew she didn't mean it by one shot. She'd done it out of pure fear of my brother standing beside her.

Oh, the perks of having a fearful and older brother. I'm just flattered.

I just couldn't help it, I had to retaliate.

Like I said, I don't wait around for karma to strike. I do it myself so, I accidently had replaced her body massaging cream with toothpaste. I swear, she smelled like mint the whole day. My bad...

Back to the present then.

"My dear Alora."  She said in a sweet sickening tone and I immediately gagged on reflexes.

"Cadence, cut the crap out. I don't think I can handle that much fakeness in you." I snapped.

Why oh why couldn't my brother appoint a friendlier and nicer person, maybe even a human instead of this plastic Barbie? Oh I dunno..... Maybe Heath? He is always soo nice, caring, loving and human as well. Notice the sarcasm?

He actually isn't any better than Barbie but there're alot of people I'll take over her.

Exactly shows my love for her.

"I see you pulled another stunt to annoy your brother." Cadence said in her cheerleader voice.

You know how it's different from other, normal people's voice.

"And I see you have your first two buttons undone, showing a lot of cleavage even though you have a boyfriend." I retorted back and then added, "That is if we're just stating the obvious."

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