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A/N: So...the yuri story didn't work out so well apparently so...yeah, here's a Yaoi.

The bell rang for school to let out. Everybody filed out of their classrooms and went to their lockers. After about five minutes, most everyone had headed home.

I was at my locker, getting my books and placing them in my backpack. Once I finished, I closed the locker door and gazed down the hallway.

The lockers down from me stood Rayden.

I took a deep breath and walked over to him, "Hi, Rayden," I greeted him, my hands practically trembling at my side.

He zipped up his backpack and closed his locker door. "Hey, Brian," he replied with the most beautiful smile as he turned to face me.

Wow, his smile was so gorgeous.

Rayden and I don't hang out much but I really like him. We don't talk to each other often, but when we do, we laugh and talk as if we'd been friends since the beginning of time. I'd like to cross that "just friends" barrier, though.

I looked around to make sure there was no one else in the hall and once I confirmed we were alone, I looked at him, "So, umm...I have something to tell you, but I'm really nervous and I don't want to creep you out.."

God, this could possibly be the worst confession ever.

"It's okay," he replied calmly, "You can tell me."

His soft, soothing voice was like a charm because I felt completely calm after he spoke.

As I looked at him, my hands gripped the sides of my backpack straps tightly, "Okay...but promise not to tell anyone else."

He nodded, chuckling slightly, "Okay, I promise."

I smiled a bit and looked into his eyes, "Umm...I like like you.."

Rayden looked around, "Oh...alright."

I frowned and looked down, "I've creeped you out, haven't I? I'm sorry," I apologized, my eyes tearing up, "I'll just go now."

Just as I turned to walk away, I felt Rayden's hand on my shoulder, turning me so I was facing him, "No, you haven't creeped me out. I'm actually sort of flattered."

"B-but," I stammered, "We're both guys..."

He chuckled, "So? I'm gay."

My face sported a smiled but inside, I was jumping up in down in the air in a frenzy of pure joy, "Me too."

He smiled, "Cool."

I nodded, "So, what do you say? Want to go out with me?"

Rayden's eyes furrowed slightly, "Well, I don't really know that well; so how about we do something together sometime? Like a movie. Sort of similar to a test date."

I nodded and smiled, "Absolutely. How's tonight?"

"Hmm," Rayden looked as if he was contemplating over the subject but smiled and replied, "Sure." He gave me a piece of paper with his cellphone number and address was written on it, "Pick me up at say...7:00?"

"Perfect," I replied ecstatically, "See you then."

Rayden smiled and nodded then walked away.

"Wow..." I smiled ecstatically to myself, "A date with Rayden.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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