Chapter Two

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Sooo I got one vote on the prologue and one for my first chapter, so I'll count that as two. Here is the next chapter. Uploaded during school! LOL


The Prodigy and the Scar

"What did you give him?" a man named Mark asked Leo.

"Just some basic equipment! Nothing he could have used to make something potentially harmful!" Leo exclaimed as they saw me testing my new invention.

"Then how on earth does the boy have a freaking machine gun?!" asked Mark.

At this, I decided to respond. "You see, there was an aluminum desk here. I had to steal the flamethrower so I could melt it down, but then I used pliers to shape the metal and I created a suppressed spring so the gun won't need electricity."

Mark's and Leo's mouths hit the floor. Leo was slightly scared, but Mark was excited. "Do you have bullets?"

"Of course, I carved the metal into very fine points that can easily penetrate flesh. The spring has double the power of a full powered pistol and a fire rate of twenty bullets a second which I feel can be improved," I replied proudly. I could tell Mark appreciated what I had just created. Uncle Leo also looked impressed, but it looked like he was ready to run at any second.

I looked at them both then went back to my work. I had to create a lot more bullets before this even had the potential to cause some real damage. Mark came over and picked up the gun. "You won't be needing this. It's incredible but besides from being somewhat eco-friendly, how is this any better than an AK-47?"

I laughed at his stupidity. "Unlike an AK-47, this weapon makes zero sound when it is fired. Even with a silencer attached to any machine, there is a muffle. No sound comes from this gun ever my friend." Now Mark looked extremely impressed. I continued, "And for attempting to take away what is mine, you do not deserve to live."

"Wait, what do you-" Mark began, but he never got to finish his sentence. I already had a magazine in the gun and in one motion I snatched my creation out of his hand and emptied twenty rounds into his chest and face.

I looked at Leo expectantly, waiting for a response from the old man. He looked at my now blood shirt and said, "Take a shower, I'll get rid of the body." I looked at him questioningly. He saw me and said, "There aren't too many rules here son and Mark was beginning to get on my nerves. Acting like he rules the place. You've gained respect from me and from whomever else in this facility that may find out about Mark's death.

I looked intensely at my uncle and said, "I too have gained respect for you today sir." I took off my shirt and lay it over the top of the body. "Get rid of this too, not like I'll be wearing it again." My uncle and I nodded in understanding to each other and went our separate ways, thinking both of us had a promising future here.

I emerged from the shower to find a man pointing a knife at me. I got scared but realized there was only one way out of this. The guy, I had seen him around before, but I didn’t know him too well. I think his name was Brad or something, and he was built like a freaking truck. I had no chance of over powering him, but I could possibly talk my way out of this situation. I said, “Hey bud, why you in my bathroom?”

He grunted back at me, “Think your funny kid? You think you can kill someone in cold blood like that HERE and there wouldn’t be any consequences?” I looked at the malice in his eyes and realized that there was no way that I would be able to talk my way out of this situation.

“W-what are you going to do to me?” I stuttered in fear. “Please don’t kill me…”

He laughed. It was a deep and horrifying laugh that drove fear into the center of my heart. “Well, you know the name of the genius who you just killed?”

“Yes, why?”

He moved towards me. I was still naked so I snatched a towel from the rack next to me and wrapped it around the lower part of my body. Then, with the deepest and spookiest voice, he said, “Let it forever be carved into your flesh.”

That’s how I got my first tattoo.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2011 ⏰

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