Crimson Eye

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Hey my name's Tyler and I live with my grandmother. My mother and father had died in a house fire while I was in school, and my Grandfather had died a long time ago from cancer. With me living with her my grandmother was forced to come out of retirement and work nights as a nurse.I was in the old style kitchen of my grandmother's. The cupboards were lined with jars large to small. The sky was dark as clouds rolled in. "Honey it looks like it's gonna storm get the candles and stuff out I'm running late." She said as she slide her fragile arms into the old styled jacket. She opened the door and disappeared into the dark night. I could hear the sound of her 2008 ford fusion start. the headlights soon disappeared into the cold autumn night. I decided I would just return to my room and lay down so encase the power went out I wouldn't have to walk around in the dark. Turning on the old tv I began to zone out into the programming.

An hour went by and there was still no storm but as a new program came on the power went out. "What the fuck?" I said pulling the covers up pissed. I choose to go to sleep and wait till morning to mess with the power box. after a few forced hours of sleep I woke up to the cold. I could see my breath and my body was already shaking. I guess I would have to go mess with the power box. Using the flash light app on my phone I moved throughout the house to the door in the kitchen that lead to the basement. I pulled it open as a loud creak was made. All the scary thoughts of when I was a child came to mind. Monster, Demons and everything my brain could think of.

I ignored this and walked toward the back were the power box was. I finally reached it as I opened it I heard a noise that sounded like a messed up breathing. I figured it was the furnace as I opened the box I started turning the flips to on. As that happened the furnace started.... wait then what was the sound. The basement was still dark because I had neglected to flip the switch on earlier. I then saw a crimson light above me. I slowly lift my head. There hung a person with a red shining right eye and gas mask gripping the floor boards. I fell to the floor too scared to yell. When she let go and landed on her feet I now heard it was her awful inhuman breathing I had heard moments ago. There seemed to be fitted claws attached to her fingers. "Who are you?!" I screamed backing up. "I am the one that the world will know as crimson eye." Her voice was muffled by the gas mask. She began to walk towards me. "Y-you're insane!" she chuckled. "I do not consider myself insane I've grow to welcome what I've become for what you call insanity I call reality." She gabbed her hand at me , and I rolled to dodge. She dug into my shoulder. There was an echo of my shoulder bone cracking. I left no time to consider the pain I was in. I held my shoulder as I dropped my phone and ran for the stairs. As I ran around the house I knocked over some of the jars my grandmother had on the shelves. Some remained whole others turned to shards. 

I had fell in the hallway and hurt my face during the fall. I force myself up and into my room slamming the door shut pushing my dress in front of it. I then fell on my bed bleeding and feeling a burning pain in my shoulder. I've been laying here in my crimson liquid stained bed for hours. I decided to see If she was gone I was feeling light headed as I stood. I looked to my feet and saw a light red glow coming from under my bed.

The next morning the grandmother pulled up to the drive way. She exited the car her back killing her from the work load she had just taken on. When inside she noticed all the jars shattered. "Dammit Tyler!" she yelled figuring her grandson had knocked them over in the dark. When there was no reply she ventured to his room. When she opened the door it took everything in her power to not vomit. Tyler had been in a pool of his already crusting blood his chest was torn open like an animal had made a meal of him. One of his own ribs had been shoved into his eye socket as his face was stock in a permanent scream. The door behind her closed. The grandmother turned slowly and there stood what was a girl, white hair, gas mask, and covered in blood. Her right eye matched the blood. In one of her hands she held the boy's heart. "I am Crimson Eye and these hands will one day touch the world's hearts." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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