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M'rnn and J'an'na wasted no time.  They had the news spread to every corner of the planet to let the people know that they had a new Princess.  The announcement was met with great fanfare.  People hosted parties every night and gave out free drinks to celebrate the birth of the baby girl who would one day be their Queen.

As the people laughed and partied, M'rnn and J'an'na set to work in planning the royal christening party.  They worked on invitations day and night, for they were to invite everyone in the land, be they Green, White or Red.  They made very special invitations for the Seven Sorceresses, seven Martian women with mystical powers, representing the elements of fire, nature, light, wind, snow, water, and the sun and moon.  They would bestow great gifts of virtue upon the infant princess.

While writing out the invitations, J'an'na thought of something.  "Oh!  We must invite Helle!", she exclaimed suddenly.  "She will be furious if she doesn't receive an invitation!" M'rnn looked up at his wife, hie eyes as wide as quarters.  Helle was the eighth Martian Sorceress, but wasn't referred to as such because she had chosen to use her powers for evil.  She flew from place to place, cursing mortals with bad luck and bad health, representing her element of darkness.

M'rnn shook his head furiously.  "Absolutely not!  I refuse to have that witch even lay eyes on our daughter, let alone be in the same room with her!"  "But M'rnn!", J'an'na pleaded.  "If we don't invite her, who knows what havoc she'll reek?!"  M'rnn narrowed his eyes.  "I don't care.  She is a black-hearted slug, and she is underserving of an invitation to such an important royal event."  And with those words spoken, it seemed to be settled.
The christening was met with great celebration.  Crowds flooded through the castle gates and filled the entire throne room.  Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and even the common people close by arrived to bear congratulations to the King and Queen, and get a glimpse of their future ruler.

The party was starting to get good when the heralds blew into their horns.  "Presenting, hero of Earth, representer of Mars, and elder brother of our beloved Queen, the Martian Manhunter, J'onn J'onzz, and his fellow Leaguers of Justice!"  J'an'na felt her heart swell as the grand double doors flew open to reveal her beloved older brother, wearing his superhero uniform, smiling grandly.  Close behind him were his fellow Leaguers, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and the Flash.  All six were in awe of the magnificent Martian royal palace.

J'an'na got off of her throne and greeted J'onn with a hug.  "It is so good to see you again in person, J'onn!"  "Likewise, J'an'na!", he said, smiling warmly.  "I have not seen you since I left for Earth!"  He straightened up.  "Now, where is that new niece of mine?"

He walked over to the bassinet, decorated with pink silk curtains topped with a gold crown for show.  He gazed down at the sweet baby girl, with green skin to match his, and shining auburn eyes, tucked tightly under a soft white muslin blanket, a yellow silk cap trimmed with lace covering her head, except for the one red curl brushing her forehead.  "She is beautiful.", he said, looking at his brother-in-law.  "Congratulations."

The other Leaguers crowded around the cradle and began cooing over the baby, speaking in baby talk and playing peek-a-boo.  Even Batman gave the slightest of smiles at the baby's giggles and squeals of delight.  Just then, the heralds trumpeted again.  "Presenting, the greatest women on all the planet, please welcome, the all powerful, the almighty, the Seven Sorceresses of Mars!"  A great cheer and round of applause filled the room as the mystical ladies swept into the room, all wearing flowing gowns of white with long, loose sleeves, and elements floating over their heads.

They gathered around the bassinet to see the baby princess.  They smiled and fawned and gushed and doted over the child.  "Oh!  How sweet!"  "The little darling!"  "Coochie-coochie-coo!"  The eldest and wisest one stepped toward the King and Queen.  Her name was Celestia, and she was the Sorceress of the Sun and Moon.  An orb floated above her gray hair with white streaks.  The orb had the golden light of the sun on one half, and the other half had the silver glow of the moon.  "Your Majesties, we, the Seven Sorceresses of Mars, shall now bestow one gift each upon the Princess.  No more, no less."

Being the eldest, Celestia went first.  "Princess M'gann, I give to you, the Gift of Beauty.  With skin the color of rarest jade, eyes as golden-brown as the purest honey, and hair like spun red gold, any man who lays eyes upon you shall be enchanted by your appearance."  The guests applauded her.

Next was Flamia, the Sorceress of Fire.  A little flame was lit above her glowing red locks, flowing around her like real wildfire.  "Princess M'gann, I give to you, the Gift of Passion.  You will love others with every bit of yourself, and will stop at nothing to protect those closest to you."

Then came Marina, the Sorceress of Water.  Water swirled over her head in a sphere, complimenting her flowing deep blue beach waves.  "Princess M'gann, I give to you, the Gift of Intelligence.  You will thirst for knowledge, and go about your days curious of everything that escapes you, never content with what you already know."

After that, it was the turn of Gardenia, the Sorceress of Nature.  She had long, grass-like hair, from the fern-like color to the flat, stringy texture, with a lovely yellow flower sprouting from the very top of her head.  "Princess M'gann, I give to you, the Gift of Kindness.  Your heart shall be filled with love, love that you will share with everyone, winning their own hearts as well."

Up to the bassinet came Winteria, the Sorceress of Snow.  She had blinding white hair in tight spiral curls, a tiny snowflake glittering at the top of her head like a crown.  "Princess M'gann, I give to you, the Gift of Grace.  Every movement that you make shall be poised and elegant, and there shall never be a day when you trip or fall over your feet."

Now it was time for Aira, the Sorceress of Wind, to bestow her gift.  She had soft, windblown hair the color of cherry blossoms, and an orb of swirling pink wind floated just above her head.  "Princess M'gann, I give to you, the Gift of Music.  You will sing with the voice of an angel, rivaling the song of the nightingale, and dance as if you are stepping upon air."

The room was filled with applause.  "And now, we shall hear from—"  Aira looked behind her, but no one was there.  "Goodness me!  Where is Lucena?", Celestia cried.  She and the other six Sorceresses looked around, but their youngest sister was nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder where she went.", Clark said.  "I wonder why she went.", Diana responded.  "Isn't it obvious?", Barry said, a bit too loudly for J'onn's preference. "The first six took all the good gifts for themselves!  Looks, brains, heart, talent—what's left for her to give?"  The others nodded, knowing that Barry had a point.  "Is there no one else here who wishes to bestow a gift on the Princess?", M'rnn asked.

All of the sudden, great gusts of wind blew through the throne room.  The windows shattered, and black clouds swooshed in, bringing with them claps of thunder and flashes of lightning.  The heavy double doors flew open, as it they were made of air, without the tiniest effort, and a thick black fog floated inside, covering the entire floor.  From the smoke, a figure emerged, as it it had shifted through the ceiling.  It had frizzy, messy hair, the strands different shades of black, white and gray.  She had her head down and her hands pressed to her sides, her body shrouded in a gown just like the ones the Seven Sorceresses wore, only hers was as black as coal.

She shot her head up, and the whole room gasped seeing who it was.  Her face was stark white, with wrinkles and scars on her face.  Her eyes were as red as human blood, and her teeth were jagged and pointed like those of a wild animal.  "Yes...", she croaked, her voice horse and raspy, like she had a sore throat.  "I have a gift for the Princess."  M'rnn and J'an'na were frozen in fear, as they whispered together in horror, one name.


Just so you know, its pronounced HEL-LA.  I do not own YJ or DC.

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