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Bing .
Damn those people just loved to talk to each other, but it was only ever while the blonde was sleep. Dave sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the light streaming in from his Windows. His eyes were rather sensitive to light, so he shut the curtains and his room was dark yet again.
Once he had successfully covered his eyes with his sunglasses, his hands reached to open up the curtains again, light filling the room once again.
His shades not only helped with his eyes sensitivity to light but they also made him look cool. Only people that had mastered the sacred art of irony, and had train their entire life could wear sunglasses inside and not look like a douchebag. Dave was luckily one of those people.
Before the blonde could even think about answering his phone, he had to make sure his " Bro " wasn't around. Dave didn't know what their actual biological relationship was. Regardless it was complicated and whenever Dave thought about it too long he got a headache which wasn't pleasant.
Bro liked to challenge Dave to battles in their apartment. Which seemed rather strange but to them it made perfect sense and none of the neighbors had complained yet. Which basically meant that it was allowed. Most of their battles got too intense to be contained in their small apartment and had to be moved to a more open area. Dave was pretty sure it was legal to battle your Bro on the roof with swords. And even if it wasn't, he was probably going to do it anyways.
Dave threw a red shirt on followed by changing out of sweatpants and into jeans, Contemplating wearing shorts but he knew he didn't have the legs to pull it off. He was used to the Texas heat and right now it was spring. So it was only going to get worse from here and at the moment. Jeans were still socially acceptable.
The boy made his way over to the small mini-fridge in the corner of his room. His kitchen was too occupied with weapons and things that weren't actual food so he had to keep his stash of goodies in his room. Where it was safe from his Bro... For now. Bro would never to think to look in the fridge. It was too ironic for food to actually be in the fridge. That would be ridiculous. Dave considered himself a genius for thinking of that one.
It was weird that he hadn't heard his " guardian " this morning. Well, he hardly ever heard him but the morning so when he usually made his journey to the kitchen. Obtained his coffee and probably some cool ninja stars or something and then made his way back into his room.
Dave supposed it was about this time that he should check his messages. His notifications were flooded with people commenting on ' Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff ' it was a side project that he was working on, it was only ironic that a side project would become so successful. He's sure that if Bro ever read it, he would be proud. May even shed a tear of joy at how beautiful his masterpiece was.
Dave sighed, the group message was flooded with messages. Rose was walking Jade through, step by step on how to prepare pancakes while Jade was responding with an over-flow of happy emoji's.
God, how Dave hated emojis. He had used them ironical to Jade and she had become addicted. And the poor girl still refused to admit that she had a problem.
Another Bing and a selfie came up of Jade and her dog. Dave smiled, She looked adorable and had a bright smile on her face, and Bec ( her dog ) was licking her cheek. Rose responded with a picture of her cat, which was curled up with a stack of books.
Dave knew what he had to do. The timing was perfect. He was sure he had a rock in her somewhere. After a couple movements of digging through piles and piles of junk he found it. The perfect rock, he held it in one hand, taking a picture and sending in the group chat. With the caption ' good rock, best friend '
He opened up the chat and looked over the contact names. Rose was ' flighty broad ' he was rather proud of that one. John's was ' #1 Nick Cage fan ' it wasn't his best work but he was working on it.
Then there was Jade. Her name was just ' Harley ' no jokes or ironic references. Just Harley. It made him rather annoyed that he couldn't come up with a name. For his other friends it was so simple, so easy but for her. It was so difficult. Anything his mind could come up with wasn't good enough. He even considered consulting his blog about ideas.
Another flood of messages. All responding to his rock picture. Jade sent back ' 😂😂😂😒😒😒 ' . Dave actually rolled his eyes, he wished she would just let Rose help her get over her emoji addiction. For some weird reason it made him smile that Jade though his joke was funny.
Rose sent back a long paragraph, as she tended to do. Something about how ' loneliness is something you did to admit ' and ' you need a hobby ' those were there only words Dave could stomach before scrolling down to the end of the message and pretending that he had actually read all of it.
He quickly erased the smile from his face, as the great Kim Kardashian once said " smiling gives you wrinkles. Don't even smile " . Truly words to live by.
Dave finally looked into his mini-fridge. There wasn't a lot to looked at. Some chips and soda and random things of salad dressing. He had no idea where they came from but he kept them in there. They were just looking for a place to call home, and he didn't feel like kicking them out.
Another Bing was heard from his phone followed by a picture from Jade of burnt pancakes. The blonde shook his head, and looked down at Jade's response ' Bec was distracting me '

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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