Fourth Day

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I couldn't focus on the texts. My eyeballs would roll over to take a peek of the man sitting across from me. Unlike the other day where he could barely sit still, he was hunched over the open book. His bushy brows met in the center as he read the words Laura pointed at with her finger. I've been learning how to read for a two weeks now but he who didn't even speak the same language and just started a day ago, was already able to pronounce difficult words like "hierarchy" and "anemone". I admired his concentration and fortitude.

   Watching him, I came to realize that ever since the dance I couldn't get rid of his image from appearing on the back of my eyelids. Just last night, as I lay on the worn down mattress on the floor just outside my parents' bedroom, I kept tossing and turning like crazy. I'd kick off the thin blanket that was my only protection when I was cold, only to pull it back over my form; all that for no reason. Every time I imagined the two of us back in the marketplace, his hands on my waist, I... I don't know. This amazing but inexplicable feeling would form in my abdomen and my entire face would heat up.

   In my mind, he always seemed so bright and flawless. In my mind, he was always smiling and always so full of unparalleled youthful vigor. I recalled his childlike curiosity and wide-eyed fascination with everything. It was like he was an alien who knew nothing about the world. But I supposed that just added to his charm.

   A quiet sigh escaped my lips. It has been a long time since I've had a crush on anyone. The last time I was smitten, it was a childhood friend. Ludwig was his name, but he left with his older brother when we were around nine so I don't remember much of him. All I knew was that he and Mathias were polar opposites: While Mathias was carefree and cheerful and never without a grin, Ludwig was serious and stiff and almost always wore his lips in a straight line. Ludwig's made sure to keep his pale blonde hair neatly combed back—Mathias' tresses were wild and resembled the crown of the sun, swept up into tufts of gold. Ludwig's irises were a chilling icy blue—Mathias...

   Mathias' eyes were like the ocean. A deep and dark mystically entrancing blue full of secrets. They were looking back at me right now.

   Blood rushed to my ears and I pointed my nose back to the illustration of the Little Mermaid on the page. I didn't realize I was staring. How humiliating, I hope he didn't see it.


She was totally checking me out.

   I snickered inwardly and returned to reading, but then glanced back at her. I caught her gaze and she almost dropped the book as she turned away. Good, it's nice to know I can do to her what she's been doing to me for months.

   I reached for the pearl in my pocket. I rubbed it with my thumb, what shade is it now?

   "Oh, brother" Laura spoke up from beside me "I've received a letter from Antonio this morning, he said that he may be able to attend the ball after all"

   Abel rubbed his temples "Right"

   "Don't be like that, brother. Antonio's been our friend since we were children"

   "You mean you've been his friend since we were children" Abel corrected before standing up "I must go and speak with the planners—have them rearrange the seating plans" He turned to my beloved "Please rest for a bit. You've improved since the last time" He offered her a smile before leaving the library.

   Once the two heavy doors closed behind him, Laura shot up, her chair swinging backwards and almost falling down to the floor. Pushing her arms upward, she let out a yawn "Phew! I thought he'd never leave. Let's go practice the waltz now"

   "W-waltz?" I managed to say. It wasn't that difficult, I've been practicing my tongue all night.

   "What was that?" I put the pearl back in my pocket, turning my head to the jug.

   "I think you should work even harder in learning their language, Mathias" Tino repeated "I've spoken with some of the seagulls. They said that a lot of the men of the land would use poetry to capture the hearts of their women"

   "They must think that language was built for the sole purpose of wooing women" I laughed at my own joke.

   "Maybe it is" Emil answered, surprising all of us. He blushed and coughed "I mean maybe Tino's right"

   I thought about it, rubbing my chin "Do you really think I can make her fall for me by using words?"

   "Won't hurt your chances" Lukas said "Just don't say anything stupid" He paused "Oh, wait..."

   I smacked my hands together "All right" I went to the desk where two of Laura's storybooks rested "I'll do it"

   My beloved stood up "Yes, it's a type of dance"

   Laura curved an eyebrow "Do you not know what a waltz is in your kingdom?"

   I shook my head. Dance in my kingdom didn't require two feet.

   "I see. Well, since you can't not go the ball, you must learn how to dance the waltz" She then pulled my beloved to her body and began to move around the room "I can teach both of you"

   My beloved laughed as she was swung around. I watched them approach the door but not before waving me over.

   We went upstairs to a room so large even a full-grown whale could fit inside. The windows that were twice as tall as I was had long heavy-looking drapes covering them but Laura had went and opened one of them for light and fresh air. The smell of saltwater came in with the breeze and I almost felt nostalgic.

   Before I could do anything else, music filled the room. There was a man with that stringed instrument—the violin, I found out—and he was accompanied by three more with violins of varying shapes. One was so big it was fitted between the legs of the musician playing it.

   "Mathias" Laura called and I approached her. She placed my beloved's hand in mines "You lead as I instruct you on what to do, all right?"

   "Now..." Laura told me what to do, from how I should stand to where I should step. My legs were burning, the skin felt like it was being roasted and I ended up stepping on my beloved's feet for the third time today.

   "Sorry" I muttered. It was one of the first things I memorized.

   She reassured me "It's all right. You're learning faster than I ever did"

   The pain seemed to have melted away as she comforted me with her smile. I nodded. A thousand jagged rocks piercing my limbs was worth being so close to that smile.

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