There will be war. Oliver Kirkland (2P! England) x Reader Part 3

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-You will probably hate me if you love Alfred-

"My house?" I asked glancing around the room once more. "Since when?" I asked and looked at him, my head slightly tilted to the side. "Since about 3 weeks ago. Now I'll be right back, I have to do something real quick dollface." Allen said and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

After I sat up I got up and walked to the bookshelf. It was filled with all sorts of books. I pulled out first Attack On Titan book. I went back to my bad and sat down, beginning to read. I heard a faint shout "SHE'S UP BOYS!" Guessing it was Allen I smiled lightly.

Just as I got to the 21st page Oliver burst in the room. He ran to me and hugged me, starting to cry. "I'M SO SORRY POPPET PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" He said loudly to me before hiding his face in the crook of my neck. I hugged back.

"Shhh, it's okay. Please don't cry. It makes me want to cry." I said with sincerity. Yes, if I haven't mentioned I had developed a crush on the cupcake loving male. I fell for him with his happiness and kindness.

He looked up at me, tears rolling down his face. "I'm so sorry." He said. I sighed and cupped his face, wiping his tears off with my fingers. I kissed his forehead and pulled him into a tight hug. "It's okay." I say and smile.

He pulled back and looked me in the eye. "This seems like the right timing to do this." He mumbled to himself. "Do what?" I asked. He looked at me then grinned before pulling me into a kiss. I was shocked, my eyes wide open.

He whined into the kiss when he realised I wasn't kissing back. This snapped me back into reality. I closed me eyes and kissed back. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I happily opened my mouth and he slid his tounge in and explored all of the unexplored territory. After about 3 minutes he pulled away for air, a small string of saliva in between our mouths. "Will you be my girlfriend Poppet?" He asked, a hopeful smile on his face. I smiled and nodded.

We stared at each other happily. BANG! "We know you have Y/n L/n!" I heard a familiar voice shout from outside. It was Alfred. "Release her or we take her by force!" He yelled. "Oh butterscotch." Oliver said and quickly stood up, dragged me into a room with blood all over the walls and floor, the smell of blood in the air. He handed me a knife.

"Just in case." He said and kissed my forehead before leaving and locking the room shut. For the next twenty or so minutes all you heard were gunshots, screams, and roars. Then you heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked holding my knife, preparing to attack. The door opened and I saw Alfred, covered in blood. He grabbed my wrists and dragged me downstairs not caring about the screams of protest. We walked through the living room towards the door. What I saw made me stop.

Matt on the floor slowly bleeding to death. Louis missing an eyeball with various cuts all over. Allen with his own baseball bat through his stomache. Then Arthur slowly cutting up Oliver in front of my eyes. My boyfriend. My cupcake. My love. My life. Why did this have to happen again?


I was 10. I walked into my home only to find it trashed. I walked around the 1st floor and 2nd floor until I went down to the basement. My family getting slowly cut open and tortured in front of my eyes. I remember all I felt was anger. I lost control of myself. One of my eyes turning completely white, the other completely black. I walked up behind the man killing my family. I wrapped my hand around his neck slowly squeezing more and more. He dropped his knife causing me to pick it up and throw him on the floor. I stabbed his shoulder, knee, thigh, shin, foot, hand, arm, and then stomache before he finally died. I picked up a baseball bat and smashed his head in, brains flying everywhere.

-end of flashback-

I felt it. It was happening again. My eyes changed. "Y/n let's get you away from these freaks" Alfred said and tried to pull my arm. "No." I said, my voice now deeper and scratchier than normal. "Y-Y/n are you okay?" Alfred asked me, worry in his voice. An evil grin made its way on to my face.

"Yes, I've never been better." I said and with that I took out my knife and stabbed Alfred in the shoulder, causing him to collapse in pain. I looked up at Arthur with an insane look on my face as I made my way towards him. I pinned him to the ground and got the 4 knifes he was using making him pinned onto the floor by the knives.

I walked over to Alfred. "I saw the one I love suffer, now you get to watch the one you love suffer." I say and sit on Alfred 's stomache. I opened his mouth and grabbed his tounge, taking my knife to it and starting to slowly cut it off. His screams were obvious.

Once his tounge was off I shoved it down his throat. I positioned myself so that I sat on his knees. I wrapped my hand around his shaft through his shorts. I started to slowly cut off his 'Florida' enjoying the sounds of pain he made with tears streaming down his face.

"PLEASE STOP HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!" Arthur yelled at me. "Yes he does. He hurt my only happiness in my world. Now he must pay......" I said as I finished cutting off his Florida. I walked to Arthur and shoved it in his mouth. "Now shut the fuck up I'm trying to work." I said and walked back over to Alfred.

I spit in his face. I sat on his chest and dug my fingers into the wound in his shoulder. I took my fingers out and licked them tasting his blood. "Could be better." I said and put my hand on his face. I stabbed his left eye, twisting the knife slowly. I put my free hand back into his wound again. I took out the knife, taking his eye out with it. He slowly stopped struggling. He gave up. He lost. He died.

I walk over to Arthur. "I think your already tortured enough." I said and slit his throat then staved him in the heart 10 times. He was gone.

I put the knife down, my eyes returning to normal. I cleaned up my 4 friends the best I could and dragged the corpses to the room with blood in it. I laid them down in beds. I sat with oliver holding his hand. He squeezed my hand and opened his eyes. "Oliver!" You said and glomped him. "H-hello Poppet." He said his voice dry. I gave him a drink of water. "Please don't scare me like that again." I said and kissed him. "I won't." He said.

One more part to this character!
Hope you enjoyed the death scenes, they were hard to write!
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Since I'm in a good mood I'm gonna give you guys a random pick up line!

Author~Chan: D-Do you want to know what I did last night? I-I looked at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I-I love you!
Reader chan: (comment your reaction)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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