Chapter Tweny-Four

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Eric came into the bedroom with a birthday cake. I looked at him, "What's this for?"
"It's your birthday silly," Eric told me.
I smiled and looked at the candles. I wish to get the fuck out of here, I thought and I blew out the candles. Eric looked at me, "What did you wish for?"
I smirked and tasted the chocolate frosting, "If I tell you it wont come true."
Eric smiled as I got my crutches to help me get into the bathroom. I pulled my pants down and started to do my business. I looked down and saw blood. I looked up and smirked. Lets see how well I act this out? I told myself. I allowed being in this basement for almost six months bother me. My eyes teared up. I let out a cry. I heard a knock on the door, "Cassie, are you alright in there?"
I opened up the bathroom door. I looked into Eric's eyes with tears. "I think I'm having a miscarriage. There is a lot of blood."
Eric's eyes became inflamed with rage. He grabbed my throat and slammed my back into the wall. "Do you think I'm an idiot?" Eric asked me.
Yes. "Of course not," I told him as I forced tears to roll down my cheek.
"I don't believe you," he told me as he slammed my back harder against the wall. He dug his hand down my pants. He looked down at his hand as he pulled his hand back to see blood on his fingers. He loosened his grip. "Go take a shower and we will have some cake when you get out."
I nodded as Eric handed me some clothes to wear. I went back into the bathroom and wiped my tears. Stepping into the shower, I began to feel guilty. There is so many woman who cant get pregnant and I just faked a miscarriage. I faked being pregnant to save me from more rape and sadness, but I couldn't bring myself to lie about bringing a new life into this world. I sighed. I hope that those woman could understand why I had to do what I did if my story spreads past the police. I'm sorry, I apologized to those woman quietly to myself.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Eric cutting up the cake. He handed me a piece of cake. "Happy birthday," Eric said with a half smile.
"Thank you," I say taking the cake.
Eric came up to me, kissed me and hugged me, "I'm sorry Cassie."
"Me too," I told him with a sad smile.
As we ate our cake, Eric held my hand tightly. Stop feeling guilty, I told myself. I couldn't help it.
For the rest of the day, it was nothing but one word sentences and silent gestures. At 5:38pm, Eric left me alone in the basement. I looked up at the ceiling as I ran my fingers in my hair. I felt terrible. I wanted to apologize for every woman who struggles to get pregnant for the cruel thing I did to keep me alive and out of harms way.
I made some Italian chicken with mashed potatoes and corn on the side. I sat down at my seat. It worried me how Eric left the way he did. So coldly and abruptly. I dished out our plates and filled glasses with some soda. 7:03pm the clock told me as I sat down in front of my meal. It was so quiet. I could hear cricket chirping. Where could he have gone? What is he up to? I wondered as I took a sip of my soda. When I finished eating, I wrapped Eric's dish up and put it in the fridge. I cleaned every dirty dish before returning to my bedroom. I changed into my clothes and laid down on the bed. My worrying about Eric increased as each minute went by. Was he out there taking another life?
I closed my eyes and took a long, cleansing breath to relax my mind to fall asleep without so much trouble. My eyes flung open, What if I killed him?
I shook my head and internally yelled at myself to think about something terrible. I'm not a murder. I kill people with kindness, not with any weapons or my bare hands. "Killing him wouldn't be such a bad idea," I admitted to myself as I tried to sleep peacefully as the fantasy started to form in my head.

Cassie wouldn't kill anyone...right?
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