Species List

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Here are the list of species or race that you can choose from.

HUMAN - These are the main characters in this roleplay. They can have powers, abilities, or ranks. It's up to you what your character will be. Whether he or she'll be a wizard, assassin, warrior, hunter, rogue, or just an ordinary human.

DRAGON - The most popular species in the roleplay. Can have different elements like fire, ice, lightning, shadow, etc.

ORC - These are ugly creatures that are considered to be the descendants of the goblins. They typically live in groups and have mingled with the humans just long enough to speak in their tongue.

OGRE - These creatures are uglier than orcs. They come in different skin colors. Though green is the most common.

GOBLIN - They are said to be the creatures that gave birth to the orc race, but they're smaller. They are agile, and are shorter than humans.

WEREWOLF - You already know what a werewolf is. Can either have a human form or not, and can also bear different elements.

VAMPIRE - These are human-like creatures that feed on blood. Unlike ordinary humans, they have fangs. Werewolves are also a big threat to them. Considering the fact that the two species have conflicts against each other.

FAIRY - These are friendly, gentle creatures. They are immortal creatures and can also have different elements, except darkness. They usually use their magic for healing or to aid other people. They also act as a guardian of a child. It is said that when the child becomes an adult the fairy who acts as his/her guardian will lose it's essence or power and eventually die, despite being immortal. Because of this, only a few fairies were guardians.

IMMORTAL - These are merely humans, but they're immortal. Which means they don't die. They may live alone or with other humans, and are known for having incredible powers. Some use their magic for good, and others for evil. They can cast various spells. But since they can do anything they want, it's up to you what other powers they may have.

ELF - These creatures are also humanoid in form, but they're taller than humans. They are known for their long pointy ears and skills in combat. Elves and humans live in two different nations, but the two species are allies.

DWARF - These are short creatures that are about the size of goblins. They look like humans but with pointy ears like the elves.


(Below are more species that you can choose from. I got tired of making descriptions so just search them up if you're still unfamiliar with some of them)












MURLOC (I don't know if I spelled it right)









If you want me to add and list other species that I probably should consider in the roleplay, just tell me in the comment section and I'll add them in the list.

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